[1324] Weather
Title Text:At least if you’re really into, like, Turkish archaeology, store clerks aren’t like ‘hey, how ’bout those Derinkuyu underground cities!’ when they’re trying to be polite.
Title Text:At least if you’re really into, like, Turkish archaeology, store clerks aren’t like ‘hey, how ’bout those Derinkuyu underground cities!’ when they’re trying to be polite.
Title Text:Changing the names would be easier, but if you’re not comfortable lying, try only making friends with people named Alice, Bob, Carol, etc.
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/81 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 有没有办法可以安全地徒手抓住子弹?比如说一个人在海平面朝上开枪,然后另一个人在山上在子弹的极限射程附近准备着抓住子弹? —— Ed Hui, London 回答: 可以。 徒手抓子弹是一个很普通的魔术把戏,看上去魔术师就像在子弹飞行途中把它抓住了一样——通常是用牙齿。这当然只是幻觉啦,实际上这么做是不可能的。[1] 但在一些合适的情况下,人可以徒手抓住子弹,不过这需要很有耐心。[2] 向上发射的子弹总会达到最大高度。[3]在最大高度处子弹可能不会完全停下来,很有可能的一种情况是子弹在以每秒几米的速度横向漂移。在这种情况下,只要你在正确的… Read more
Title Text:’You see the same pattern all over. Take Detroit–‘ ‘Hold on. Why do you know all these statistics offhand?’ ‘Oh, um, no idea. I definitely spend my evenings hanging out with friends, and not curating a REALLY NEAT database…
Title Text:What I really want is to hang out where I hung out with my friends in college, but have all my older relatives there too.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1320/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1320:_Walmart https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 这部漫画讽刺了大型社交网络(如Facebook和Google+)试图聚合用户在线社交存在的各个方面的方式。早期的社交网络有更多的细节;例如MySpace起源于音乐焦点,甚至更早的各种公告板系统都围绕特定主题。相比之下,许多社交媒体公司试图将用户… Read more
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/80 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 如果把全世界所有的病毒都收集起来放到一个地方会怎么样?它们会占据多大的空间?看起来是怎么样的? —— Dave 回答: 全放在一起的话会有一大堆,但人类身上的病毒只占其中很小一部分。 引起艾滋病的艾滋病毒已经导致全球数千万人死亡,另有超过3000万人体内携带着艾滋病毒。这些人中每个人携带的艾滋病毒数量因人而异相差巨大,[1]但就算把全世界所有人都算进来,所有的艾滋病毒只能填满大约一个汤匙。 一个普通的健康人体内约有3*10^12个病毒,事实上没有你想象中的那么多;按体积来说的话,病毒显然更喜欢呆在泥土里而不是人体内。[2] 如… Read more
Title Text:’Automating’ comes from the roots ‘auto-‘ meaning ‘self-‘, and ‘mating’, meaning ‘screwing’.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1319/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1319:_Automation 自動化 Automating 的字根 Auto- 意思是「自己」, mating 則是「搞」的意思 https://xkcd.tw/1319 漫画指的是计算机程序员尝试创建程序以自动执行低级但频繁的任务,以节省时间和精力的现象。这… Read more
Title Text:Protip: You can win every exchange just by being one level more precise than whoever talked last. Eventually, you’ll defeat all conversational opponents and stand alone.
Title Text:Is he ALSO wondering at what point our thoughts diverged, if they even have yet? ‘dude, I think he just took your credit card’ AM I THE ORIGINAL? HOW DO I TELL?