[2444] Ingenuity

Title Text:Plot twist: Thanks to [mumble mumble] second-order [mumble] Rayleigh-Taylor [mumble] turbulent [mumble] shear, it turns out powered flight is way EASIER on Mars! Origin:https://xkcd.com/2444/ 转折:多亏了【嘟嘟囔囔】二阶【嘟囔】瑞利泰勒【嘟囔】剪切…湍流,证明动力飞行在火星上要容易多了! https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2444 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2444:_Ingenuity 机巧是一架部署在火星表面的类似无人机的直升机。它在恒心… Read more


[2443] Immune Response

Title Text:I don’t care whether you win or lose, as long as you have– …okay, sorry, I’m being reminded I very much care whether you win or lose. I need you to win, that’s very important. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2443/ 我不在乎你是输是赢,只要你……好吧,抱歉我摊牌了,我其实一直都非常在乎你是输是赢,而且你得赢,这太重要了。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2443 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2443:……


[2442] Mask Opinions

Title Text:Although regardless of how everything else shakes out, I definitely won’t mind if the norm “wear a mask if you’re feeling sick” sticks around after this. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2442/ 不管其他事如何变化,我都不会介意疫情后也继续保持“不舒服就戴口罩”的规矩。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2442 母球和白帽子正在谈论有关口罩的话题。在COVID-19大流行期间,口罩已成为日常必需品。在任何时候,Cueball都对与面罩相关的知识沉迷于Cueball感到愤怒。C… Read more


[2441] IMDb Vaccines

Title Text:I’m actually not sure if Vader and the Emperor count as a household or if Vader lives in that weird black egg thing or what. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2441/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2441:_IMDb_Vaccines IMDb 疫苗 我真的不知道是该把维达和皇帝算成一家人,还是算维达单独住在那个奇怪的黑鸡蛋里什么的。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2441 这是系列中的另一部漫画。该系列与2020年大流行有关。大流行是由冠状病毒 SARS-CoV-2引起的。SARS-Co… Read more


[2440] Epistemic Uncertainty

Title Text:Luckily, unlike in our previous study, we have no reason to believe Evangeline the Adulterator gained access to our stored doses. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2440/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2440:_Epistemic_Uncertainty 认知不确定性 幸运的是,这次研究和以往不同,我们大可相信掺假者伊万杰琳未能接触到我们储存的试剂。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2440 这部漫画是对两种不同研究的比较。其中一项研究显示“常规不确定性”。这些研究之一表明“流行病的不… Read more


[2439] Solar System Cartogram

Title Text:For sentimental reasons, every active Mars rover is counted as one person, although that’s not enough to make Mars more than a dot. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2439/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2439:_Solar_System_Cartogram 太阳系变形地图 出于个人感情,每个运行的火星探测器都会被算作一个人,不过即便如此火星依旧只有丁点大。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2439 在此漫画,兰德尔取得了示意地图表示在行星太阳能系统。制图是一种地图,其中地理… Read more


[2438] Siri

Title Text:Alexa defeated her in a battle hinging on the ability to set multiple timers. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2438/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2438:_Siri Siri Alexa在一场战斗中击败了她,凭借着多个计时器的功能。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2438 Science Girl感谢Siri在她的智能手机上设置了闹铃。在下一个面板中,她问Cueball:“ Siri还活着吗?”,因为从表面上看,人工智能助手似乎几乎是人类。Cueball回答“否”,因为Siri完全是软件,而且我们通常不将生命归因于计算机… Read more


[2437] Post-Vaccine Party

Title Text:[Future update] Well, someone accidentally dropped an M&M in their cup of ice water, and we all panicked and scattered. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2437/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2437:_Post-Vaccine_Party 扎完疫苗开派对 [未来可能的进展] 行吧,有人不小心把M&M豆掉到冰水里,搞得所有人都惊慌失措,立即分散。 脚注: Bob Ross:美国著名电视节目“欢乐画室”主持人 52pickup:一个投掷并捡起纸牌的恶作剧游戏,这里数量被减少到三张 Pong:1927年由雅达利开发的一款经典街… Read more


[2436] Circles

Title Text:( MSTE ( AR ) CD ) Origin:https://xkcd.com/2436/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2436:_Circles 圆圈 ( MSTE ( AR ) CD ) http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2436 漫画描绘了五个重叠的圆圈,它们本身被各种大小的圆圈包围,这些圆圈包围了两个,四个或所有五个较小的重叠圆圈。几个著名的徽标由重叠的圆圈组成,较大的圆圈引用了这些徽标。它们是:万事达卡,由两个并排的重叠圆组成;奥迪(Aus)是四个并排的重叠圆,奥林匹克环(Olympic Rings)是五个以W形图案拓扑连接的环。 该图故意不区分圆形“归属区域”的欧拉图和属于事物的圆,除非前者上的标签不显… Read more


[2435] Geothmetic Meandian

Title Text:Pythagorean means are nice and all, but throwing the median in the pot is really what turns this into random forest statistics: applying every function you can think of, and then gradually dropping the ones that make the result…
