[1939] 2016 Election Map

Title Text:I like the idea of cartograms (distorted population maps), but I feel like in practice they often end up being the worst of both worlds鈥攏ot great for showing geography OR counting people. And on top of that, they have…


[1936] Desert Golfing

Title Text:I just want to stay up long enough to watch the ball drop into the hole number 2018.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1936/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1936:_Desert_Golfing 守夜与高尔夫 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/evmws9TejRGzoogB7PxbMA 围绕新年转折的一个常见笑话是在新年前夕或新年当天“去年”对“明年”发表评论。虽然在技术上是正确的,但有些人可能会从观察多年来的事实中得到一种讽刺的幽默,当时现实已经过了几天甚至更长时间,就像在这部漫画中一样,只有几个小时。 在这个,连续两个新年漫… Read more
