[1758] Astrophysics

Title Text:DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSCIENCE / Motto: “If I hear the phrase ‘mirror neurons’ I swear to God I will flip this table.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1758/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1758:_Astrophysics 天文物理 神經科學部門 / 格言:我發誓如果我聽到「鏡像神經元」這個詞的話我會翻桌 https://xkcd.tw/1758 在物理学中,广义相对论与暗物质结合产生的引力理论是我们目前解释引力和星系行为的最佳模型。支持这种模式的证据非常广泛。广义相对论准确地预测了行… Read more


[1755] Old Days

Title Text:Lot of drama in those days, including constant efforts to force the “Reflections on Trusting Trust” guy into retirement so we could stop being so paranoid about compilers.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1755/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1755:_Old_Days 舊時光 Lot of drama in those days, including constant…


[1752] Interplanetary Experience

Title Text:But instead of hitting the ocean, you should land in an overheating hot tub on a sinking cruise ship, sending it crashing through the floor into the burning engine room as the ship goes under.


[1751] Movie Folder

Title Text:That’s actually the original Japanese version of A Million Random Digits, which is much better than the American remake the book was based on.
