[1779] 2017

Title Text:Things are looking good for the eclipse–Nate Silver says Earth will almost definitely still have a moon in August.


[1777] Dear Diary

Title Text:Dear Diary: UNSUBSCRIBE< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1777/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1777:_Dear_Diary https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 黑帽正在写日记(可能是他的,但可能不是;见下文)。他的录入以常见的成语“亲爱的日记”开头。在一个普通的日记条目中,这个开头用于给予一个可信赖的朋友写作的印象,该日记被拟人化以接受该朋友的角色。然而,如果其他人写下他们的日子或者说出他们的感受,Black Hat的日记条目包括一个标准的网络钓鱼骗局,试图请求一些私人信息以换取不存在的大量现金。在这种情况下,骗局是着名的尼日利亚皇室骗局,其中“… Read more


[1776] Reindeer

Title Text:And then in a twinkling, a sound gave me pause / From the roof came the scratching of eight tarsal claws.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1776/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1776:_Reindeer 麋鹿 And then in a twinkling, a sound gave me pause / From the roof came…


[1775] Things You Learn

Title Text:Guess who has two thumbs and spent the night in an ER after trying to rescue a kitten that ran under his car at a stoplight and climbed up into the engine compartment? And, thanks to antibiotics, will continue…


[1773] Negativity

Title Text:[Google search] how do I block my lawn< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1773/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1773:_Negativity 負能量 [Google搜尋]如何封鎖自家草坪 https://xkcd.tw/1773 Cueball正在外面呼吸新鲜空气,因为他想要逃离互联网的巨魔,因为互联网以举办几个充满敌意和不愉快的想法而闻名。然而,当他走路时,一些草滔滔不绝地侮辱他,并且Cueball很不高兴发现他根本没有逃脱消极情绪。 (见1749:蘑菇,其中涉及异常发生的发声愤怒的蘑菇)。 标题文字扩展了这一点,他在谷歌搜索如何“阻挡草坪”。阻止某人是指网站和在线服务上的标准… Read more


[1770] UI Change

Title Text:I know they said this change is permanent, but surely when they hear how much we’re complaining someone will find a way to change things back.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1770/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1770:_UI_Change 改介面 我知道他們總是說這是永久性的更動,不過當他們聽到我們抱怨的多大聲之後,總是會有人找到方法把東西改回來。 https://xkcd.tw/1770 规定用户与应用程序或程序交互方式的系统称为“用户界面”(UI)。对于应用程序,可能是应用程序的图形设计,… Read more
