[1597] Git
Title Text:If that doesn’t fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of ‘It’s really pretty simple, just think of branches as…’ and eventually you’ll learn the…
Title Text:If that doesn’t fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of ‘It’s really pretty simple, just think of branches as…’ and eventually you’ll learn the…
Title Text:Visual checks suggest the cool bird has exited the launch zone. Tip the rocket sideways and resume the countdown–we’re gonna go find it!
Title Text:There’s a cool mental calculation hack I recently learned for this: If you open the calendar app on your phone or computer, the highest-numbered box along the bottom is equal to the number of days in the month!
Title Text:After meeting with a few of the subjects, the IRB actually recommended that you stop stressing out so much about safety guidelines.
Title Text:The thrower started hitting the bats too much, so the king of the game told him to leave and brought out another thrower from thrower jail.
Title Text:On the other hand, it took us embarrassingly long to clue in to the lung cancer/cigarette thing, so I guess the real lesson is “figuring out which ideas are true is hard.”
Title Text:The no-communication theorem states that no communication about the no-communication theorem can clear up the misunderstanding quickly enough to allow faster-than-light signaling.
Title Text:Why did we even have that thing?< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1590/ 我們哪來的這鬼東西啊? https://xkcd.tw/1590 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1590:_The_Source 这部漫画是关于在空荡荡的房间里体验高亢的嗡嗡声。 “空房间嗡嗡声”是一种高音调的嗡嗡声,通常由耳鸣引起,这是一种医疗状况,当周围没有其他噪音时会产生高音调。耳鸣通常是听力状况,而不是疾病。这可能是因为大脑增加了对噪音的敏感度。 有时不是每个人都能听到“空房间的嗡嗡声”;然而,那些能听到它的人通常会发现它非常烦人。如果你确实听到了噪音,你想找到The Source – ?因此是漫… Read more
Title Text:”Wait, so in this version is Frankenstein also the doctor’s name?” “No, he’s just ‘The Doctor’.”
Title Text:My MRI research shows a clear correlation between the size of the parietal lobe–the part of the brain that handles spatial reasoning–and enjoyment of 3D Doritos庐.