[2385] Final Exam

Title Text:For those of you also taking Game Theory, your grade in that class will be based on how close your grade on this exam is to 80% of the average. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2385/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2385:_Final_Exam 期末考试 那些还选了博弈论的同学,你们那门课的成绩取决于你们这门课的成绩有多接近平均成绩的80%。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2385 在这部漫画中,马尾辫似乎正在管理一个参加网络安全考试的小组。但是,在考试开始时,她告知学生尽管没有参加考… Read more


[2384] Set in the Present

Title Text:She referenced Billie Eilish, so this must be getting pretty close to the pandemic. But we’ve seen the last two years in-universe, so if it’s set in the future, they must be in at least 2023 by now. [*adds…


[2383] Electoral Precedent 2020

Title Text:He also broke the streak that incumbents with websites are unbeatable and Delawareans can’t win, creating a new precedent: Only someone from Delaware can defeat an incumbent with a website. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2383/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2383:_Electoral_Precedent_2020 2020年选举先例 他还打破了拥有网站的现任者不可战胜、特拉华州人无法取胜的局面,创造了一个新的先例:只有来自特拉华州的候选人才能击败拥有网站的现… Read more


[2382] Ballot Tracker Tracker

Title Text:Good luck to Democrats in the upcoming Georgia runoff elections, and to the Google Sheets SREs in the current run-on elections. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2382/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2382:_Ballot_Tracker_Tracker 选票追踪器的追踪器 祝乔治亚州的民主党们在接下来的决胜选举中好运,也祝谷歌表格的网络可靠性工程师们在当下的持续选举中好运。 脚注: 网络可靠性工程师:软件工程师和系统管理员的结合,直接掌管着互联网公司的机器和服务,保证网站不宕机是他们的使命。 http://xkcd.in/… Read more


[2381] The True Name of the Bear

Title Text:Thank you to Gretchen McCulloch for fielding this question, and sorry that as a result the world’s foremost internet linguist has been devoured by the brown one. She will be missed. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2381/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2381:_The_True_Name_of_the_Bear 熊的真名 感谢格雷琴•麦卡洛克解决了这个问题,但那只棕色的玩意儿吞了这位世界领先的网络语言学家,我们对此深感惋惜,我们会怀念她的。 http://xkcd.in/c… Read more


[2380] Election Impact Score Sheet

Title Text:You might think most people you know are reliable voters, or that your nudge won’t convince them, and you will usually be right. But some small but significant percentage of the time, you’ll be wrong, and that’s why this…


[2379] Probability Comparisons

Title Text:Call me, MAYBE. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2379/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2379:_Probability_Comparisons 概率比较 Call me, MAYBE. 脚注: • 龙与地下城D6和D20:D6指的是我们日常生活常见的6面正方体的骰子,D20则是有20面的骰子。 • 白色圣诞节:英国‘白色圣诞节’的官方定义是,‘12月25日当天24小时内,只要下了雪,甚至只要出现了雨加雪的尴尬天气,这个圣诞节就算是白色圣诞节。’ • 三门游戏:三门问题亦称为蒙提霍尔问题、蒙特霍问题或蒙提霍尔悖论,大致出自美国的电视游戏节目Let’s Make a Deal。问题名字来自该节目的主持人蒙提… Read more


[2378] Fall Back

Title Text:Doing great here in the sixth and hopefully final year of the 2016 election. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2378/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2378:_Fall_Back 秋天了是时候调回去了¹ 在2016届大选的第六年,也或许是最后一年,我害行。 脚注: [1]秋天了是时候调回去了:双关。1.秋令时要往回调一个小时;2.秋天到了 大选来了 特朗普时代终于(可能)要结束了。 [2]我整个人都升华了:一种meme。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2378 夏令时在美国的11月第一个星期日的凌晨2点结束,而美国的选举日则是在11… Read more


[2377] xkcd Phone 12

Title Text:New phone OS features: Infinite customization (home screen icons no longer snap to grid), dark mode (disables screen), screaming mode (self-explanatory), and coherent ultracapacitor-pumped emission (please let us know what this setting does; we’ve been afraid to try it).…


[2376] Curbside

Title Text:The state has had so many contact tracers disappear into that shop that they’ve had to start a contact tracer tracing program. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2376/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2376:_Curbside 无接触配送 国内已有太多接触者追踪人员进了那家店后失踪,没办法他们只好启动接触者追踪人员追踪程序。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2376 贝雷帽·盖伊(Beret Guy)正在与一家销售被诅咒物品的商店联系,直到顾客试图退货时才消失。他先前曾提到1772… Read more
