[1865] Wifi vs Cellular

Title Text:According to the cable company reps who keep calling me, it’s because I haven’t upgraded to the XTREME GIGABAND PANAMAX FLAVOR-BLASTED PRO PACKAGE WITH HBO, which is only $5 more per month for the first 6 months and five…


[1864] City Nicknames

Title Text:This place has so many demonyms. Northlanders. Fair Folk. Honey Barons. Lake Dwellers. Treasurers. Swamp Watchers. Dream Farmers. Wellfolk. Rockeaters. Forgotten Royals. Remote Clients. Barrow-Clerks. The People of Land and Sky.


[1863] Screenshots

Title Text:For the final exam, you take a screenshot showing off all the work you’ve done in the class, and it has to survive being uploaded, thumbnailed, and re-screenshotted through a chain of social media sites.


[1862] Particle Properties

Title Text:Each particle also has a password which allows its properties to be changed, but the cosmic censorship hypothesis suggests we can never observe the password itself鈥攐nly its secure hash.


[1861] Quantum

Title Text:If you draw a diagonal line from lower left to upper right, that’s the ICP ‘Miracles’ axis.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1861/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1861:_Quantum 如果畫一條從左下角到右上角的線,那就會是 Insane Clown Posse 的「Miracle」軸。 https://xkcd.tw/1861 漫画描绘了在一个研究领域中问题的哲学兴奋程度与理解答案需要多少年之间的关系。例如,狭义相对论提出了非常有趣的哲学问题,例如“空间分离事件的时间顺序能否取决于观察者?”,或“不同观察… Read more


[1860] Communicating

Title Text:You’re saying that the responsibility for avoiding miscommunication lies entirely with the listener, not the speaker, which explains why you haven’t been able to convince anyone to help you down from that wall.


[1859] Sports Knowledge

Title Text:I heard they might make the wild card game, which would be cool. Do you know when that is? I have a wedding next weekend, but if it’s after that we could try to go!


[1858] 4th of July

Title Text:Strangely, they still celebrate by eating hot dogs. Since they don’t have mouths, they just kinda toss them in the air and let them fall back down into their propeller blades. It’s pretty messy.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1858/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1858:_4th_of_July 七月四日 奇怪的是,他們還是會吃熱狗慶祝。由於他們沒有嘴,所以就只是把熱狗往天上丟然後掉到葉片裡面,弄的髒髒的。 https://xkcd.tw/185……


[1857] Emoji Movie

Title Text:Some other studio should do the Antz/A Bug’s Life thing and release The Dingbats Movie at the same time.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1857/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1857:_Emoji_Movie 呕吐表情符 我最喜欢的是U + 1F609 U + 1F93F 边眨眼边呕吐的那个表情 http://xkcd.com.cn 如果Megan知道即将到来的The Emoji Movie,Megan会问Cueball。它于2017年7月28日,也就是这部漫画发布一个月后发布,并因其缺乏原创情节,人物和笑话而在互联网上受到广泛谴责。 C… Read more
