[1875] Computers vs Humans
Title Text:It’s hard to train deep learning algorithms when most of the positive feedback they get is sarcastic.
Title Text:It’s hard to train deep learning algorithms when most of the positive feedback they get is sarcastic.
Title Text:I live on a torn-bag-of-potato-chips-where-the-tear-is-rapidly-growing fault, which is terrifying.
Title Text:I would be honored, but I know I don’t belong in your network. The person you invited was someone who had not yet inflicted this two-year ordeal upon you. I’m no longer that person.
Title Text:If it falls below 20% full, my bag turns red and I start to panic.
Title Text:Since buns range from crepuscular to nocturnal, it’s recommended that you enable the scheduled “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone to avoid being woken by alerts about Night Buns.
Title Text:There’s this idea that emoji are bad for communication because they replace ambiguity and nuance with a limited set of preselected emotions, but it doesn’t really survive a collision with real-world usage of the thinking face or upside-down smiley.
Title Text:This restaurant is great! I was feeling really sick, but then I ate there and felt better!
Title Text:The captain has turned on the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign.
Title Text:”You know lightning, right? When electric charge builds up in a cloud and then discharges in a giant spark? Ask me why that happens.” “Why does tha–” “No clue. We think it’s related to the hair thing.”
Title Text:Unfortunately, NASA regulations state that Bertrand Russell-related payloads can only be launched within launch vehicles which do not launch themselves.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1866/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1866:_Russell%27s_Teapot 羅素的茶壺 很可惜的,NASA 有規範限制,任何跟伯蘭特羅素有關的籌載都只能透過不會把自己也發射出去的載具發射升空。 https://xkcd.tw/1866 拉塞尔的茶壶是一个哲学论证,反映了试图证明消极的困难。它涉及一… Read more