[1894] Real Estate

Title Text:I tried converting the prices into pizzas, to put it in more familiar terms, and it just became a hard-to-think-about number of pizzas.


[1893] Thread

Title Text:Since the current Twitter threadfall kicked off in early 2016, we can expect it to continue until the mid-2060s when the next Interval begins.


[1891] Obsolete Technology

Title Text:And I can’t believe some places still use fax machines. The electrical signals waste so much time going AROUND the Earth when neutrino beams can go straight through!


[1890] What to Bring

Title Text:I always figured you should never bring a gun to a gun fight because then you’ll be part of a gun fight.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1890/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1890:_What_to_Bring 該帶的東西 我一直覺得你不該帶槍去槍戰,因為你會變成槍戰的一部分。 https://xkcd.tw/1890 这部漫画的幽默来自于两个共同但不相关的建议:“永远不会把刀带到枪战”,“永远不会把水放在油火上”。这些短语的必然结果是刀只用于刀具战斗,而水只适用于木火(或类似的固体和多孔燃料)。 Munroe创建了一个网格,… Read more


[1889] xkcd Phone 6

Title Text:We understand your privacy concerns; be assured that our phones will never store or transmit images of your face.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1889/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1889:_xkcd_Phone_6 XKCD Phone 6 我們理解您在意隱私,我們保證不會傳輸或儲存您的臉部照片。 https://xkcd.tw/1889 这是正在进行的xkcd手机系列中的第六个条目,再一次,漫画中播放了许多标准技术流行语,并且可怕地误用了所有这些流行语,创造了一个听起来令人印象深刻的手机,但显然不是最大的无知的客户。 18… Read more


[1888] Still in Use

Title Text:’Which one?’ ‘I dunno, it’s your house. Just check each object.’ ‘Check it for *what*?’ ‘Whether it looks like it might have touched a paper towel at some point and then forgotten to let go.’ ‘…’ ‘You can also…
