[1905] Cast Iron Pan

Title Text:If you want to evenly space them, it’s easiest to alternate between the Arctic and Antarctic. Some people just go to the Arctic twice, near the equinoxes so the visits are almost 6 months apart, but it’s not the…


[1904] Research Risks

Title Text:The 1919 Great Boston Molasses Flood remained the deadliest confectionery containment accident until the Canadian Space Agency’s 2031 orbital maple syrup delivery disaster.


[1902] State Borders

Title Text:A schism between the pro-panhandle and anti-panhandle factions eventually led to war, but both sides spent too much time working on their flag designs to actually do much fighting.


[1901] Logical

Title Text:It’s like I’ve always said–people just need more common sense. But not the kind of common sense that lets them figure out that they’re being condescended to by someone who thinks they’re stupid, because then I’ll be in trouble.<…


[1900] Jet Lag

Title Text:I had some important research to do on proposed interstellar space missions, basketball statistics, canceled skyscrapers, and every article linked from “Women in warfare and the military in the 19th century.”


[1899] Ears

Title Text:My theory is that most humans have been colonized with alien mind-control slugs that hold the earbuds for them, and the ones who can’t wear earbuds are the only surviving free ones.


[1897] Self Driving

Title Text:”Crowdsourced steering” doesn’t sound quite as appealing as “self driving.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1897/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1897:_Self_Driving 自動駕駛 「群眾外包方向盤」聽起來沒有「自動駕駛」那麼吸引人 https://xkcd.tw/1897 这个漫画参考了使用CAPTCHA输入来解决问题的方法,特别是那些涉及图像分类的问题,这些问题是计算机无法解决的,特别是reCAPTCHA v2的基于识别道路特征和车辆的后备谜题。此拼图的reCAPTCHA… Read more
