[1922] Interferometry

Title Text:It’s important to note that while the effective size of the dog can be arbitrarily large, it’s not any more of a good dog than the two original dogs.


[1921] The Moon and the Great Wall

Title Text:And arguably sunspots, on rare occasions. But even if they count, it takes ideal conditions and you might hurt your eyes.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1921/ 太陽黑子可能勉強算,某些情況下。但就算要算進來,也需要各種情況配合才看得到,而且眼睛可能會受傷。 https://xkcd.tw/1921 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1921:_The_Moon_and_the_Great_Wall 这是一个神话,即中国长城是唯一可以用肉眼从月球(或从太空)看到的人造物体。可悲的是,它不能。事实上,从卫星的低轨道几乎看不到… Read more


[1920] Emoji Sports

Title Text:No horse has yet managed the elusive Quadruple Crown鈥攚inning the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, the Belmont Stakes, and the Missouri Horse Hole.


[1918] NEXUS

Title Text:You also refuse to buy Cisco products because you hate the Thong Song, O. Henry, Deep Space Nine, freshwater whitefish, teenaged Incan emperors, Brak’s brother, and vegetable-based shortening.


[1916] Temperature Preferences

Title Text:There’s a supposed Mark Twain quote, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” It isn’t really by Mark Twain, but I don’t know who said it鈥擨 just know they’ve never been to McMurdo Station.


[1915] Nightmare Email Feature

Title Text:”…just got back and didn’t see your message until just now. Sorry! — TIME THIS MESSAGE SAT HALF-FINISHED IN DRAFTS FOLDER: 3 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1915/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1915:_Nightmare_Email_Feature 电邮噩梦 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=1915 大多数现代电子邮件客户端都提供工具来帮助用户有效地阅读,编写和跟踪电子邮件… Read more


[1914] Twitter Verification

Title Text:When we started distributing special status tokens that signify which people are important enough to join an elite group, we never could have imagined we might be creating some problems down the line.


[1913] A ?

Title Text:If you want in on the fun, map a key on your keyboard to the sequence U+0041 U+0020 U+FFFD (or U+0021 U+0020 U+FFFD for the exclamation point version), and then no update can never take this away from you.
