[1912] Thermostat

Title Text:Your problem is so terrible, I worry that, if I help you, I risk drawing the attention of whatever god of technology inflicted it on you.


[1911] Defensive Profile

Title Text:NO DRAMA ZONE -> If I’ve made you sad, you’d better not tell me, because I am TERRIFIED of that situation and have NO IDEA how to handle it.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1911/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1911:_Defensive_Profile 實話實說 -> 如果我讓你不開心,最好不要跟我說,因為這種情況會讓我很驚慌,完全不知道該怎麼辦。 https://xkcd.tw/1911 这部漫画演示了一个理论特征,为社交媒体简介提供了更真实的解释。我们看到一个人说他们有“过滤… Read more


[1910] Sky Spotters

Title Text:Where I live, one of the most common categories of sky object without a weird obsessive spotting community is “lost birthday party balloons,” so that might be a good choice鈥攁lthough you risk angering the marine wildlife people, and they…
