[1870] Emoji Movie Reviews

Title Text:There’s this idea that emoji are bad for communication because they replace ambiguity and nuance with a limited set of preselected emotions, but it doesn’t really survive a collision with real-world usage of the thinking face or upside-down smiley.


[1867] Physics Confession

Title Text:”You know lightning, right? When electric charge builds up in a cloud and then discharges in a giant spark? Ask me why that happens.” “Why does tha–” “No clue. We think it’s related to the hair thing.”


[1866] Russell’s Teapot

Title Text:Unfortunately, NASA regulations state that Bertrand Russell-related payloads can only be launched within launch vehicles which do not launch themselves.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1866/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1866:_Russell%27s_Teapot 羅素的茶壺 很可惜的,NASA 有規範限制,任何跟伯蘭特羅素有關的籌載都只能透過不會把自己也發射出去的載具發射升空。 https://xkcd.tw/1866 拉塞尔的茶壶是一个哲学论证,反映了试图证明消极的困难。它涉及一… Read more


[1865] Wifi vs Cellular

Title Text:According to the cable company reps who keep calling me, it’s because I haven’t upgraded to the XTREME GIGABAND PANAMAX FLAVOR-BLASTED PRO PACKAGE WITH HBO, which is only $5 more per month for the first 6 months and five…


[1864] City Nicknames

Title Text:This place has so many demonyms. Northlanders. Fair Folk. Honey Barons. Lake Dwellers. Treasurers. Swamp Watchers. Dream Farmers. Wellfolk. Rockeaters. Forgotten Royals. Remote Clients. Barrow-Clerks. The People of Land and Sky.


[1863] Screenshots

Title Text:For the final exam, you take a screenshot showing off all the work you’ve done in the class, and it has to survive being uploaded, thumbnailed, and re-screenshotted through a chain of social media sites.


[1862] Particle Properties

Title Text:Each particle also has a password which allows its properties to be changed, but the cosmic censorship hypothesis suggests we can never observe the password itself鈥攐nly its secure hash.


[1861] Quantum

Title Text:If you draw a diagonal line from lower left to upper right, that’s the ICP ‘Miracles’ axis.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1861/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1861:_Quantum 如果畫一條從左下角到右上角的線,那就會是 Insane Clown Posse 的「Miracle」軸。 https://xkcd.tw/1861 漫画描绘了在一个研究领域中问题的哲学兴奋程度与理解答案需要多少年之间的关系。例如,狭义相对论提出了非常有趣的哲学问题,例如“空间分离事件的时间顺序能否取决于观察者?”,或“不同观察… Read more
