[what if]第141期:太阳光柱

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/141 编译:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 如果我把太阳发出的所有可见光都集中起来,弄成像激光那样的直径约为1米的光柱,当这个光柱抵达地球时会发生什么? ——Max Schafer 回答: Max描述的情景如下图所示: (Max机械) 如果你站在光柱的路线上,那么毫无疑问你立刻就会死去。只不过你的死因有点异乎寻常,突然间你就不是生物意义上的人了,而变成了一个物理现象。 当光柱射中大气层时,周围的一小部分空气会在几分之一秒内被加热到上百万度[1]。这些空气会转变成等离子体,并以X射线的方式向四周发散热量。这些X射线又会继续加热周围的空气,使它们变成等离子体,并释放出红外… Read more


[1628] Magnus

Title Text:In the latest round, 9-year-old Muhammad Ali beat 10-year-old JFK at air hockey, while Secretariat lost the hot-dog-eating crown to 12-year-old Ken Jennings. Meanwhile, in a huge upset, 11-year-old Martha Stewart knocked out the adult Ronda Rousey.


[1627] Woosh

Title Text:It also occasionally replies with ‘Comment of the year’, ‘Are you for real’, and ‘I’m taking a screenshot so I can remember this moment forever’.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1627/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1627:_Woosh 噗 他有的時候會回「年度最好笑」「你認真的嗎」「已截圖備份」 https://xkcd.tw/1627 回复带有“woosh”的评论通常表明有一个笑话,评论者未能认出它(或者他们不愿意认… Read more


[1626] Judgment Day

Title Text:It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.
