[1518] Typical Morning Routine

Title Text:Hang on, I’ve heard this problem. We need to pour water into the duct until the phone floats up and … wait, phones sink in water. Mercury. We need a vat of mercury to pour down the vent. That…


[1517] Spectroscopy

Title Text:Although right now I’m more excited about ESPRESSO’s radial velocity measurements, so I’m listening to This Kiss, her song about measuring “centrifugal motion” on “a rooftop under the sky”.


[1515] Basketball Earth

Title Text:How many points do you get for dunking every basketball in existence at once?< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1515/ 如果你把所有世界上存在的籃球同時灌進籃會得幾分? https://xkcd.tw/1515 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1515:_Basketball_Earth 在这个漫画中,Cueball一再试图在地球和月球之间进行尺寸比较。但他只能说,如果地球的大小与篮球相同,那么月球就会 – 。然后他一次又一次地被打断了。 (参见1074的标题文本:Moon Landing进行相同的地球比较)。 篮球的直径约为25厘米,从中可以推断月… Read more


[1514] PermaCal

Title Text:The flood of PermaCalNTP leap-second notifications was bad enough, but when people started asking for millisecond resolution, the resulting DDOS brought down the internet.


[1512] Horoscopes

Title Text:If you live in the Northern hemisphere, anyway. In the southern hemisphere, due to the coriolis effect, babies are born nine months BEFORE they’re conceived.


[what if]第136期:蜘蛛与太阳

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/136 编译:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 太阳和蜘蛛哪个对我的引力更大?太阳显然在体型上完爆蜘蛛,但它同时离我更远。我在高中物理中学到的是引力与距离的平方成反比。 —— Marina Fleming 回答: 注意:这篇文章有大量地方与蜘蛛相关。我自己对蜘蛛是有一些恐惧的,所以我在打开相关pdf的时候都会眯着眼睛,身体尽可能向后靠。如果你有重度蜘蛛恐惧症,那么建议你就跳过这篇文章吧。 从字面意义上看,这个问题完全是合理的,不过语无伦次一下也是很容易的。 (按远近程度来看,太阳比蜘蛛更重吗?) 无论蜘蛛有多重,单个蜘蛛施加在你身上的引力永远没法和太阳相比。食鸟的巨硕蜘蛛[… Read more


[1510] Napoleon

Title Text:”Mr. President, what if the unthinkable happens? What if the launch goes wrong, and Napoleon is not stranded on the moon?” “Have Safire write up a speech.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1510/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1510:_Napoleon 拿破崙 「總統先生,如果發生了萬一該怎麼辦?萬一火箭發射失敗,拿破崙沒有被困在月球上?」「叫 William Safire 寫一篇演講稿」 https://xkcd.tw/1510 拿破仑·波拿巴是历史上最… Read more
