[1518] Typical Morning Routine
Title Text:Hang on, I’ve heard this problem. We need to pour water into the duct until the phone floats up and … wait, phones sink in water. Mercury. We need a vat of mercury to pour down the vent. That…
Title Text:Hang on, I’ve heard this problem. We need to pour water into the duct until the phone floats up and … wait, phones sink in water. Mercury. We need a vat of mercury to pour down the vent. That…
Title Text:Although right now I’m more excited about ESPRESSO’s radial velocity measurements, so I’m listening to This Kiss, her song about measuring “centrifugal motion” on “a rooftop under the sky”.
Title Text:This would be bad enough, but every 30th or 40th pok茅ball has TWO of them inside.
Title Text:How many points do you get for dunking every basketball in existence at once?< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1515/ 如果你把所有世界上存在的籃球同時灌進籃會得幾分? https://xkcd.tw/1515 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1515:_Basketball_Earth 在这个漫画中,Cueball一再试图在地球和月球之间进行尺寸比较。但他只能说,如果地球的大小与篮球相同,那么月球就会 – 。然后他一次又一次地被打断了。 (参见1074的标题文本:Moon Landing进行相同的地球比较)。 篮球的直径约为25厘米,从中可以推断月… Read more
Title Text:The flood of PermaCalNTP leap-second notifications was bad enough, but when people started asking for millisecond resolution, the resulting DDOS brought down the internet.
Title Text:I honestly didn’t think you could even USE emoji in variable names. Or that there were so many different crying ones.
Title Text:If you live in the Northern hemisphere, anyway. In the southern hemisphere, due to the coriolis effect, babies are born nine months BEFORE they’re conceived.
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/136 编译:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 太阳和蜘蛛哪个对我的引力更大?太阳显然在体型上完爆蜘蛛,但它同时离我更远。我在高中物理中学到的是引力与距离的平方成反比。 —— Marina Fleming 回答: 注意:这篇文章有大量地方与蜘蛛相关。我自己对蜘蛛是有一些恐惧的,所以我在打开相关pdf的时候都会眯着眼睛,身体尽可能向后靠。如果你有重度蜘蛛恐惧症,那么建议你就跳过这篇文章吧。 从字面意义上看,这个问题完全是合理的,不过语无伦次一下也是很容易的。 (按远近程度来看,太阳比蜘蛛更重吗?) 无论蜘蛛有多重,单个蜘蛛施加在你身上的引力永远没法和太阳相比。食鸟的巨硕蜘蛛[… Read more
Title Text:”Mr. President, what if the unthinkable happens? What if the launch goes wrong, and Napoleon is not stranded on the moon?” “Have Safire write up a speech.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1510/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1510:_Napoleon 拿破崙 「總統先生,如果發生了萬一該怎麼辦?萬一火箭發射失敗,拿破崙沒有被困在月球上?」「叫 William Safire 寫一篇演講稿」 https://xkcd.tw/1510 拿破仑·波拿巴是历史上最… Read more