[977] Map Projections

Title Text:What’s that? You think I don’t like the Peters map because I’m uncomfortable with having my cultural assumptions challenged? Are you sure you’re not… ::puts on sunglasses:: …projecting? Origin:https://xkcd.com/977/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/977:_Map_Projections https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 地图投影,或如何将球形地球表面表示到平面支撑… Read more


[976] Sail

Title Text:It only works a few times before you have to capsize the boat in a soap lagoon again. Origin:https://xkcd.com/976/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/976:_Sail 滚滚的帆有时看起来像吹泡泡的第一阶段。当填充的帆实际形成气泡时,主角明显感到惊讶。 读者从标题文本中推断出水也是这个奇幻场景的一部分。如果船在肥皂泻湖中翻倒(倾覆),则在桅杆和吊杆之间形成薄膜(调整风帆的水平杆)。这部电影将变得像漫画中的风帆,充满空气并形成气泡,直到胶片用完为止。… Read more


[975] Occulting Telescope

Title Text:Type II Kardashev civilizations eventually completely enclose their planetary system in a Dyson sphere because space is way too big to look at all the time. Origin:https://xkcd.com/975/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/975:_Occulting_Telescope Cueball将遮蔽恒星的有用实践超出其预期目的。在天文学中使用遮蔽来阻挡来自观测星的光,以便可以更容易地检测和检查相邻的暗物体,例如任何周围的太阳系外行星。这是指为詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(James Webb Space Teles… Read more


[974] The General Problem

Title Text:I find that when someone’s taking time to do something right in the present, they’re a perfectionist with no ability to prioritize, whereas when someone took time to do something right in the past, they’re a master artisan of…


[973] MTV Generation

Title Text:If you identified with the kids from The Breakfast Club when it came out, you’re now much closer to the age of Principal Vernon. Origin:https://xkcd.com/973/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/973:_MTV_Generation 人们经常称今天的孩子为MTV一代,就像白帽一样,因为MTV一代被指责注意力不集中和注意力集中(由MTV引起)。梅根解释说这个术语真的起源于大约25年前,用来描述19世纪到1980年出生的X一代,所以今天的孩子实际上是新一代,因为他们是1990年出生的一代Z世代的一部分。 “MTV… Read more


[972] November

Title Text:November marks the birthday of Charles Schulz, pioneer of tongue awareness. Origin:https://xkcd.com/972/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/972:_November 这部漫画是对1922年11月26日出生的漫画花生的创作者查尔斯舒尔茨的致敬。两位漫画都认为,当你开始考虑自己的舌头时,你很难停止思考它。 (同样地:如果你开始考虑你的呼吸,你就会停止呼吸,除非你有意识地想要呼吸。)这类似于讽刺过程理论,试图不考虑某些东西总会让你思考它。黑帽在这部漫画中的意图是让Cueball有意识地在11月的整个月里感受到他的舌头。由于这是Black Hat的想法,… Read more


[971] Alternative Literature

Title Text:I just noticed CVS has started stocking homeopathic pills on the same shelves with–and labeled similarly to–their actual medicine. Telling someone who trusts you that you’re giving them medicine, when you know you’re not, because you want their money,…


[970] The Important Field

Title Text:I hear in some places, you need to fill one form of ID to buy a gun, but two to pay for it by check. It’s interesting to see who has what incentives to care about what mistakes. Origin:https://xkcd.com/970/…


[969] Delta-P

Title Text:If you fire a Portal gun through the door of the wardrobe, space and time knot together, which leads to a frustrated Aslan trying to impart Christian morality to the Space sphere. Origin:https://xkcd.com/969/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/969:_Delta-P https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 狮子,女巫和魔衣橱是一本书,其中四个孩子不小心通过一个衣柜漫步到一个被称为纳尼亚的世界,只有当你不寻找它时才允许通过纳尼亚。在漫画中,有人将一个锚连接到衣… Read more


[968] Everything

Title Text:I wanna hold your hand so I don’t fall out of your gyrocopter. Origin:https://xkcd.com/968/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/968:_Everything 所有的一切 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=968 Cueball正在收集许多不同类型的随机物品,包括一把遮阳伞,一个微型埃菲尔铁塔,一个似乎是一个带有短保险丝的小圆形炸弹和一个人体模型的半身像。他将这些添加到已经非常庞大的怪物中,包括气球和带鸟的笼子。 虽然发生了这种情况,Cueball会用短句叙述。前三个是最初看起来类似于您在生日或周年纪念卡上从一个人与另一个… Read more
