[935] Missed Connections

Title Text:The Street View van isn’t going to find out anything Google won’t already know from reading my email. Origin:https://xkcd.com/935/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/935:_Missed_Connections 错过的连接是Craigslist上的一个页面,其中简要地看到对方并希望重新连接的人尝试再次找到对方。在错过连接的情况下,一个人将自己描述为“我”并描述另一个人“你”,以便第二个人能够认出他们并尝试重新连接。 第一个条目似乎是一个愚蠢的玩笑,尽管过去曾发生过许多Wienermobile事件。考虑到这部漫… Read more


[934] Mac/PC

Title Text:It’s fun to watch browsers fumblingly recapitulate the history of window management. Someday we’ll have xmonad as a Firefox extension. Origin:https://xkcd.com/934/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/934:_Mac/PC Mac/PC 看著瀏覽器重演視窗管理程式的歷史我覺得滿有趣的,總有天 xmonad 會變成 Firefox 的 extension。 https://xkcd.tw/934 这部漫画是模仿Mac品牌电脑的“Get a Mac”(也称为“我是Mac”或“Mac vs. PC”)广告。这些… Read more


[933] Tattoo

Title Text:I calculate that the electrons in radiation therapy hit you at 99.8% of the speed of light, and the beam used in a 90-second gamma ray therapy session could, if fired with less precision, kill a horse (they did…


[932] CIA

Title Text:It was their main recruiting poster, hung nearly ten feet up a wall! This means the hackers have LADDER technology! Are we headed for a future where everyone has to pay $50 for one of those locked plexiglass poster…
