[879] Lamp

Title Text:’That was definitely not in my top three wishes.’ ‘Who said anything about YOUR wishes?’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/879/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/879:_Lamp Cueball发现了一盏灯。它有一个形状,暗示它是一个神奇的灯,可能包含一个精灵。传统上,精灵们会给任何揉灯的人带来三个愿望,从而释放他们。 Cueball摩擦灯,但灯不会释放精灵,而是喷出某种液体。 Cueball因此被淘汰出局并将灯泡远离他。 漫画的图像和风格有意与男性刺激和射精相似。摩擦一个人的生殖器以刺激性高潮的行为是众… Read more


[878] Model Rail

Title Text:I don’t know what’s more telling–the number of pages in the Wikipedia talk page argument over whether the 1/87.0857143 scale is called “HO” or “H0”, or the fact that within minutes of first hearing of it I had developed…


[877] Beauty

Title Text:The best hugs are probably from hagfish, which can extrude microscopic filaments that convert a huge volume of water around them to slime in seconds. Instant cozy blanket! Origin:https://xkcd.com/877/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/877:_Beauty https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 许多人认为过度分析是无聊的,只会减损主题的美丽,奇迹或情感时刻。这在文学课上尤为复杂,但在许多研究中都是一个共同点。据说济慈特别开玩笑称,牛顿“通过将彩虹的诗歌缩小… Read more


[876] Trapped

Title Text:Socrates could’ve saved himself a lot of trouble if he’d just brought a flashlight, tranquilizer gun, and a bunch of rescue harnesses. Origin:https://xkcd.com/876/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/876:_Trapped 911操作员参考了柏拉图的洞穴。这是柏拉图的一个寓言的参考,在这个寓言中,他创造了一个世界,在这个世界中,囚犯被锁在墙上,只知道穿过墙壁的阴影,以及他们如何从这些阴影中创造自己的现实。他们会为他们所看到的东西创造单词,但这只会影响阴影,而不是物质本身。 Cuebal… Read more


[875] 2009 Called

Title Text:2017 called, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying over all the screams. Origin:https://xkcd.com/875/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/875:_2009_Called 漫画解构了一个雪崩或常见的习语 – “X叫,他们想要他们的Y回来。”通常,X是一年(就像2009年这里),Y是当年非常受欢迎的东西,在今天被认为是荒谬的。 在这里,梅根注意到Cueball显然拥有的三狼月亮T恤。 “三狼月亮”是三匹狼在月球上嚎叫的衬衫,当时有几个人发表了讽刺性的评论,在2008年末亚马逊上发布了超自然的力量。 Megan说雪崩,但在她… Read more


[874] Time Management

Title Text:I never trust anyone who’s more excited about success than about doing the thing they want to be successful at. Origin:https://xkcd.com/874/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/874:_Time_Management https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 在前两个小组中,我们看到Cueball在博客上发布的片段,解释了时间管理的重要性及其好处。隔离墙上的时间表与最初的想法完全矛盾,并遵循当时非常简单的计划,只有在准备时间和在这些博客上发布时才有意志力,剩下的时间可以做任何他想做的事情。 。 标… Read more


[873] FPS Mod

Title Text:Wait, that second one is a woman? …wait, if that bothers me, then why doesn’t… man, this game is no fun anymore. Origin:https://xkcd.com/873/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/873:_FPS_Mod FPS代表First Person Shooter,它是一种视频游戏(如Halo或Duke Nukem),您可以从第一人称视角看待您所控制角色的世界。兰德尔在标题中注意到,没有人喜欢他的FPS模式(FPS游戏的“修改”的缩写),并且在标题文本中很明显玩过这个修改版本的Cueball不再喜欢这个游戏。 F… Read more


[872] Fairy Tales

Title Text:Goldilocks’ discovery of Newton’s method for approximation required surprisingly few changes. Origin:https://xkcd.com/872/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/872:_Fairy_Tales “童话故事” 那个“金发姑娘发现牛顿逼近法”的故事几乎和原版的一样。(译注:金发姑娘说的是金发姑娘和三只熊的故事。) https://songshuhui.net/archives/52974 特征向量是可以应用于矩阵的数学概念。矩阵主要显示为用于描述物理中对象状态的矩形元素数组。在纯数学中,它们可能要复杂得多。理解漫画… Read more


[871] Charity

Title Text:I usually respond to someone else doing something good by figuring out a reason that they’re not really as good as they seem. But I’ve been realizing lately that there’s an easier way to handle these situations, and it…


[870] Advertising

Title Text:I remember the exact moment in my childhood when I realized, while reading a flyer, that nobody would ever spend money solely to tell me they wanted to give me something for nothing. It’s a much more vivid memory…
