[869] Server Attention Span

Title Text:They have to keep the adjacent rack units empty. Otherwise, half the entries in their /var/log/syslog are just ‘SERVER BELOW TRYING TO START CONVERSATION *AGAIN*.’ and ‘WISH THEY’D STOP GIVING HIM SO MUCH COFFEE IT SPLATTERS EVERYWHERE.’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/869/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/869:_Server_Attention_Span…


[868] Nolan Chart

Title Text:Also in the right quadrant are NFPA-compliant chemical manufacturers and Sir Charles Wheatstone. Sharing the top with the internet libertarians are Nate Silver and several politically-active kite designers. Origin:https://xkcd.com/868/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/868:_Nolan_Chart 诺兰图表是政治光谱的直观表现,不仅衡量自由主义与保守主义倾向,还反映自由主义和国家主义倾向。在这部漫画中,它被带到另一端。一方是民主党人和共和党人,… Read more


[867] Herpetology

Title Text:Birds are Aves, which is part of the clade Theropoda, which is in Saurischia, which is in Dinosauria. Those birds outside our windows are dinosaurs. We can clear out the rest of our brains because we now have the…
