[2262] Parker Solar Probe

Title Text:It will get within 9 or 10 Sun-diameters of the “bottom” (the Sun’s surface) which seems pretty far when you put it that way, but from up here on Earth it’s practically all the way down. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2262/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2262:_Parker_Solar_Probe 帕克太阳探测器…


[2261] Worst Thing That Could Happen

Title Text:Before I install any patch, I always open the patch notes and Ctrl-F for ‘supervolcano’, ‘seagull’, and ‘garbage disposal’, just to be safe. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2261/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2261:_Worst_Thing_That_Could_Happen 末日之虞 在我装任何补丁之前,我总是在补丁文本中查找“超级火山”,“海鸥”和“废物处理“,只是为了安全起见。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn… Read more


[2260] Reaction Maps

Title Text:If Google Maps stops letting you navigate to (Clay County District) A in West Virginia, you can try Jump, OH -> Ina, IL -> Big Hole, TX. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2260/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2260:_Reaction_Maps 反应图 如果谷歌地图不让你导航到“穰”(西弗吉尼亚州克莱县),你可以试试“跳”(俄亥俄州)“金戈”(伊利诺伊州)“大坑”(得克萨斯州)。 脚注: [1]都铎式:一种中世纪建筑风格,这里谐音双关“双门轿车”。 [2]地名谐音梗:“真心抱歉让这段友谊流失”。 [3]同上:“希望你… Read more


[2259] Networking Problems

Title Text:LOOK, THE LATENCY FALLS EVERY TIME YOU CLAP YOUR HANDS AND SAY YOU BELIEVE Origin:https://xkcd.com/2259/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2259:_Networking_Problems 网络问题 看!每当你拍手并且说相信有幽灵的时候,延迟就降下来了。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2259 计算机问题很常见,可能很难解决[ 需要引用 ]。联网问题尤其会使经验丰富的人感到困惑,有时似乎是造成他们的任意问题。 数据包是计算机网络中使用的数据传输单位,网络性能的一种度量标准是滞后时间,即数据从一个点传输到另一点(可能还需… Read more


[2258] Solar System Changes

Title Text:”Actually, Jupiter already has a very impressive ring system!” –someone who knows Jupiter is within earshot Origin:https://xkcd.com/2258/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2258:_Solar_System_Changes 太阳系的变化 “事实上,木星已经有了一个非常令人印象深刻的小光环带!”——— 一个在你听力范围内了解木星的人。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2258 该漫画显示了带有太阳系标准草图的绘图,其中包含太阳,8个行星,小行星带和冥王星。兰… Read more


[2257] Unsubscribe Message

Title Text:A mix of the two is even worse: ‘Thanks for unsubscribing and helping us pare this list down to reliable supporters.’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/2257/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2257:_Unsubscribe_Message 退订消息 两种说法混在一起就更糟糕了:感谢您的退订,为我们缩小订阅名单从而留下可靠的粉丝。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2257 当网站提供订阅服务(例如,电子邮件通讯)时,如果订户不再对服务感兴趣,或者发现该服务不是他们认为的那样,… Read more


[2256] Bad Map Projection: South America

Title Text:The projection does a good job preserving both distance and azimuth, at the cost of really exaggerating how many South Americas there are. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2256/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2256:_Bad_Map_Projection:_South_America 糟糕的地图投影 投影确实很好地保持了距离和方位的精确度,但代价是增加南美洲的数量。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2256 这幅漫画显示了一个地图投影,其中每个大陆和大岛都被南美大陆的不同比例和… Read more


[2255] Tattoo Ideas

Title Text:The text ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US with a lengthy footnote explaining that I got this tattoo in 2020 and not, as you may assume, 2001, but offering no further clarification. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2255/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2255:_Tattoo_Ideas 纹身点子 “ALL YOUR BASE…


[2254] JPEG2000

Title Text:I was actually a little relieved when I learned that JPEG2000 was used in the DCI digital cinema standard. I was feeling so bad for it! Origin:https://xkcd.com/2254/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2254:_JPEG2000 JPEG2000 当我得知在DCI数字电影标准中使用了JPEG2000时,我确实松了一口气。我之前为此感到很糟糕。 脚注: JPEG2000:JPEG 2000是基于小波变换的图像压缩标准,由联合图像专家小组创建和维护。JPEG 2000通常被认为是未来取代JPEG(基于离散余弦变换)的下一代图像… Read more


[2253] Star Wars Voyager 1

Title Text:There’s some flexibility depending on your standards for measuring runtime and the various special editions. If you still want to have a party, I’m sure you can find some combination that works. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2253/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2253:_Star_Wars_Voyager_1 星球大战旅行者1号 度量运行时和各种特殊版本的标准,有一些灵活性。如果你还想开派对,我相信你能找到合适的组合。 脚注: 歌词出自《友谊地久天长… Read…
