[2082] Mercator Projection

Title Text:The other great lakes are just water on the far side of Canada Island. If you drive north from the Pacific northwest you actually cross directly into Alaska, although a few officials–confused by the Mercator distortion–have put up border…


[2081] Middle Latitudes

Title Text:Snowy blizzards are fun, but so are warm sunny beaches, so we split the difference by having lots of icy wet slush! Origin:https://xkcd.com/2081/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2081:_Middle_Latitudes 由于地球的轴向倾斜,太阳在天空中的明显日常路径 – 特别是它需要多长时间以及天空中的高度 – 取决于赤道北部或南部的距离(您的纬度),当地球围绕太阳旋转时,全年也会发生变化。这个事实产生了两对非常重要的纬度:  北极圈(66°33’)  北回归线(23°26’) 和  北回归线… Read more


[2080] Cohort and Age Effects

Title Text:Younger people get very few joint replacements, yet they’re also getting more than older people did at the same age. This means you can choose between ‘Why are millennials getting so (many/few) joint replacements?’ depending on which trend fits…


[2079] Alpha Centauri

Title Text:And let’s be honest, it’s more like two and a half stars. Proxima is barely a star and barely bound to the system.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/2079/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2079:_Alpha_Centauri 半人馬座α 好吧,坦白說只能算兩顆半。比鄰星不太能算是恆星,而且也不見得能算在這個系統裡面。 https://xkcd.tw/2079 半人马座阿尔法星是我们太阳系最近的恒星系统,距离我们4.37光年。因此,有许多正在进行的计划和项目,以及探索星系,特别是因为系外行星Proxima Ce… Read more


[2078] Popper

Title Text:At least, I don’t think there’s evidence. My claim that there’s no evidence hasn’t been falsified. At least, not that I know of. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2078/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2078:_Popper 在这部漫画中,伦哈特小姐教授了一个由毛泽东,马尾辫和科学女孩组成的关于卡尔波普尔的课程。卡尔波普尔是一位科学哲学家,他认为科学与非科学的区别在于将科学理论视为可证伪的。这意味着科学不会将任何理论视为最终理论,因为未来的研究可能表明它是错误的。 对波普尔的… Read more


[2077] Heist

Title Text:But he has a hat AND a toolbox! Where could someone planning a heist get THOSE? Origin:https://xkcd.com/2077/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2077:_Heist 在海斯特电影中,进行了抢劫或其他犯罪,有时涉及犯罪者冒充某种类型的修理工或类似人员。然后罪犯通过伪装获得他们的目标,因为如果他们的外表符合期望,人们通常不会批评某人。由于这种比喻普遍存在,Cueball担心每当有人过来要求访问时,他认为这个人可能正在计划犯罪,而他无意中的帮助将使他成为更广泛的抢劫案中的“小角色”。在这类电影中,有些人物在犯罪过程中有时会被扣为人质甚至被杀害,特别是如… Read more


[2076] Horror Movies 2

Title Text:When I was a kid, someone told me the end of The Giver was ambiguous, which surprised me. I had just assumed Jonah died–because the book had a medal on the cover, and I knew grown-ups liked stories where…


[2075] Update Your Address

Title Text:This is my four-digit PIN. It was passed down to me by my father, and someday I will pass it on to you. Unless we figure out how to update it, but that sounds complicated. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2075/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2075:_Update_Your_Address 住址 你瞧,这是账户的四位pin码,当年我的父亲传给我的,总有一天,我也会把它传给你,除非我们搞懂怎么更新它;据说更新起来相当的麻烦。…


[2074] Airplanes and Spaceships

Title Text:Despite having now taken three months longer than the airplane people, we’re making disappointingly little progress toward the obvious next stage of vehicle: The Unobtanium-hulled tunneling ship from the 2003 film ‘The Core.'< Origin:https://xkcd.com/2074/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2074:_Airplanes_and_Spaceships 飛機與太空船 雖然比飛機時代的人多花了三個月,但是建造地心毀… Read more


[2073] Kilogram

Title Text:I’m glad to hear they’re finally redefining the meter to be exactly three feet.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/2073/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2073:_Kilogram 公斤 我很開心他們終於把公尺的定義改成剛好三英尺。 https://xkcd.tw/2073 随着测量技术的改进,标准单位如千克,米和秒被重新定义。通常进行这些重新定义以提高可以知道或再现各种单元的精度,而不改变它们的实际值。这里的笑话是,将千克重新定义为等于一磅听起来对于从不使用千克的美国人来说是一个不可思议的想法。它不仅不能提高其精确度,而且还… Read more
