[2042] Rolle’s Theorem

Title Text:I mean, if it’s that easy to get a theorem named for you … “a straight line that passes through the center of a coplanar circle always divides the circle into two equal halves.” Can I have that one?…


[2041] Frontiers

Title Text:Star Trek V is a small part of the space frontier, but it鈥檚 been a while since that movie came out so I assume we鈥檝e finished exploring it by now. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2041/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2041:_Frontiers 根据流行的用法 – 使用互联网搜索引擎分析,这部漫画指的是人类发现的四个剩余的“边界”。这似乎意味着其他研究领域不再是一个挑战。 外太空的面积如此之大,人类甚至不可能在一生中发现银河系中的恒星。太空旅行也非常困难和昂贵。 海洋非常深。绝大多数深海没有被人类访问过,而且… Read more
