[1925] Self-Driving Car Milestones

Title Text:I’m working on a car capable of evaluating arbitrarily complex boolean expressions on “honk if […]” bumper stickers and responding accordingly.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1925/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1925:_Self-Driving_Car_Milestones 随着自动驾驶汽车的诞生,许多新的里程碑正在被发现和/或解决。有些是好的,有些是彻头彻尾的奇怪。这个漫画列出了一些已经实现的,一些正在研究的,一些是滑稽的“里程碑”。 里程… Read more


[1924] Solar Panels

Title Text:This works for a surprising range of sunlit things, including rooftops (sure), highway surfaces (probably not), sailboats (maybe), and jets, cars, and wild deer (haha good luck).


[1922] Interferometry

Title Text:It’s important to note that while the effective size of the dog can be arbitrarily large, it’s not any more of a good dog than the two original dogs.


[1921] The Moon and the Great Wall

Title Text:And arguably sunspots, on rare occasions. But even if they count, it takes ideal conditions and you might hurt your eyes.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1921/ 太陽黑子可能勉強算,某些情況下。但就算要算進來,也需要各種情況配合才看得到,而且眼睛可能會受傷。 https://xkcd.tw/1921 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1921:_The_Moon_and_the_Great_Wall 这是一个神话,即中国长城是唯一可以用肉眼从月球(或从太空)看到的人造物体。可悲的是,它不能。事实上,从卫星的低轨道几乎看不到… Read more


[1920] Emoji Sports

Title Text:No horse has yet managed the elusive Quadruple Crown鈥攚inning the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, the Belmont Stakes, and the Missouri Horse Hole.


[1918] NEXUS

Title Text:You also refuse to buy Cisco products because you hate the Thong Song, O. Henry, Deep Space Nine, freshwater whitefish, teenaged Incan emperors, Brak’s brother, and vegetable-based shortening.


[1916] Temperature Preferences

Title Text:There’s a supposed Mark Twain quote, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” It isn’t really by Mark Twain, but I don’t know who said it鈥擨 just know they’ve never been to McMurdo Station.
