[1885] Ensemble Model

Title Text:I’m in talks with Netflix to produce an alternate-universe crime drama about the world where sliced bread was never re-legalized, but it’s going slowly because they keep changing their phone numbers and the door lock codes at their headquarters.


[1884] Ringer Volume/Media Volume

Title Text:Our new video ad campaign has our product’s name shouted in the first 500 milliseconds, so we can reach the people in adjacent rooms while the viewer is still turning down the volume.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1884/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1884:_Ringer_Volume/Media_Volume 媒体音量 https://weibo.com/5014657527?refer_flag=1001030103_ 发布此漫画时,大多数智能手机具有多种系统… Read…
