[1833] Code Quality 3

Title Text:It’s like a half-solved cryptogram where the solution is a piece of FORTH code written by someone who doesn’t know FORTH.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1833/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1833:_Code_Quality_3 程式碼品質之三 看起來像是解到一半的 cryptogram,內容是不會寫 FORTH 的人寫出來的 FORTH 程式碼。 https://xkcd.tw/1833 这部漫画是Code Quality系列中的第三部,是1695年的直接延续:Code Quality 2在此之前发布了一年… Read more


[1832] Photo Library Management

Title Text:A good lifehack is to use messy and unstable systems to organize your photos. That way, every five years or so it becomes obsolete and/or collapses, and you have to open it up and pick only your favorite pictures…
