[1672] Women on 20s

Title Text:I get that there are security reasons for the schedule, but this is like the ONE problem we have where the right answer is both easy and straightforward. If we can’t figure it out, maybe we should just give…


[1671] Arcane Bullshit

Title Text:Learning arcane bullshit from the 80s can break your computer, but if you’re willing to wade through arcane bullshit from programmers in the 90s and 2000s, you can break everyone else’s computers, too.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1671/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1671:_Arcane_Bullshit https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 在修复/改进现有计算机程序时,程序员有时需要阅读,理解和改进… Read more


[1670] Laws of Physics

Title Text:The laws of physics are fun to try to understand, but as an organism with incredibly delicate eyes who evolved in a world full of sharp objects, I have an awful lot of trust in biology’s calibration of my…


[1669] Planespotting

Title Text:No, a hydroplane doesn’t land on water–that’s an aquaplane. A hydroplane is a plane that gets electric power from an onboard water reservoir with a tiny dam and turbines.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1669/ 不,水力飛機不是降落在水上的飛機,那是水上飛機。水力飛機是透過機上的小水庫推動渦輪發電作為動力的飛機。 https://xkcd.tw/1669 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1669:_Planespotting Cueball和一个戴着帽子… Read more


[1668] Singularity

Title Text:I figured that now that society has collapsed, I wouldn’t need to wear clothes anymore, but apparently that violates some weird rule of quantum gravity.


[1667] Algorithms

Title Text:There was a schism in 2007, when a sect advocating OpenOffice created a fork of Sunday.xlsx and maintained it independently for several months. The efforts to reconcile the conflicting schedules led to the reinvention, within the cells of the…


[1665] City Talk Pages

Title Text:I don’t think the Lakeshore Air Crash Museum really belongs under ‘Tourist Attractions.’ It’s not a museum–it’s just an area near the Lake Festival Laser Show where a lot of planes have crashed.


[1664] Mycology

Title Text:Conspiracy theory: There’s no such thing as corn. Those fields you see are just the stalks of a fungus that’s controlling our brains to make us want to spread it.
