[1742] Will It Work

Title Text:’Copy and paste from a random thread on a website’ is the hardest to predict, and depends on the specific website, programming language, tone of the description, and current phase of the moon.


[1741] Work

Title Text:Despite it being imaginary, I already have SUCH a strong opinion on the cord-switch firing incident.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1741/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1741:_Work 工作量 雖然是我自己想像的,但我對帶開關的電源線起火事件已經有*這麼*多意見了… https://xkcd.tw/1741 这部漫画详细介绍了一系列理论案例,说明了日常物品的设计和制造工作量。请参阅下面的各个设计元素的说明。 这个笑话围绕着这样一个事实,即现代大多数人都经常被人造物体所包围,我们通常使用这些物体而不给他们太多思考。兰… Read more
