[1703] Juno

Title Text:”The name wasn’t a tip-off?” “Honestly, at first I thought you were saying ‘Juneau’. A gravity assist seemed like a weird way to get to Alaska, but I figured it must be more efficient or something.”


[1702] Home Itch Remedies

Title Text:In my experience, mosquitos and poison ivy are bad, but the very worst itch comes from bites from chiggers (Trombicula alfreddugesi). They’re found across the American south and great plains, so the best home remedy is to move to…


[1701] Speed and Danger

Title Text:NASCAR removed the passenger seats because drivers hated how astronauts kept riding along with them and loudly announcing “Ahh, what a nice and relaxing drive.”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1701/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1701:_Speed_and_Danger https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 在这个散点图中,兰德尔描绘了几辆车的速度(包括徒步参加“正常运动”的人)以及撞车事故的灾难性。最重要的是,太空火箭的行进速度… Read more
