[1570] Engineer Syllogism

Title Text:The less common, even worse outcome: “3: [everyone in the financial system] WOW, where did all my money just go?”< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1570/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1570:_Engineer_Syllogism 工程師的三段論證 不常見,但更糟糕的後果:「3:[所有在該金融系統裡面的人] 等等,我的錢跑去哪了?」 https://xkcd.tw/1570 三段论是一个逻辑论证,其中两个或多个命题通过演绎推理得出结论。例如,最着名的三段论之一是: 所有人都是凡人 苏格拉底是个男人 因此,苏格… Read more


[1569] Magic Tree

Title Text:Since people rarely try to cut down cell phone towers, after millions of years, as cell phone towers have gotten more treelike, trees have started growing fake cell phone tower attachments and shiny gray bark to protect themselves. This…


[1568] Synonym Movies 2

Title Text:There’s also the TV show based on the hit Hot and Cold Music books: Fun With Chairs, Royal Rumble, Knife Blizzard, Breakfast for Birds, and Samba Serpents.


[1567] Kitchen Tips

Title Text:Household tip: Tired of buying so much toilet paper? Try unspooling the paper from the roll before using it. A single roll can last for multiple days that way, and it’s much easier on your plumbing.


[1566] Board Game

Title Text:Yes, it took a lot of work to make the cards and pieces, but it’s worth it–the players are way more thorough than the tax prep people ever were.


[1563] Synonym Movies

Title Text:Fans eagerly await 2015’s ‘Space Fights: Power Gets Up’, although most think 1999’s ‘Space Fights: The Scary Ghost’ didn’t live up to the hype.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1563/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1563:_Synonym_Movies 粉絲熱烈的期盼 2015 年的「太空打架: 力量起床」,雖然大部分人認為 1999 年的「太空打架: 可怕的鬼」並沒有達到粉絲的期望。 https://xkcd.tw/1563 这… Read more


[1562] I in Team

Title Text:There’s no “I” in “VOWELS”.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1562/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1562:_I_in_Team https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3952178049 “团队中没有我”是一个众所周知的说法,试图通过减少每个成员的个人自我重要性来鼓励团队合作。这句话的目的是提醒团队成员,正如“团队”一词中没有字母“i”一样,关注隐喻“我”(即个人自身利益)在团队合作中并不具有建设性。它可以用作对不合作的团队成员的轻微谴责,提醒人们,当团队合作时,不能仅为自己思考,并且必须与团队的其他成… Read more
