[1543] Team Effort

Title Text:Given the role they play in every process in my body, really, they deserve this award more than me. Just gotta figure out how to give it to them. Maybe I can cut it into pieces to make it…


[1542] Scheduling Conflict

Title Text:Neither a spokesperson for the organization nor the current world champion could be reached for comment.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1542/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1542:_Scheduling_Conflict https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3952178049 这部漫画有两个幽默特征: 由句法歧义形成的双关语;和 一场重大国家事件的闹剧本质上是弄巧成拙的。 漫画展示了一则标题很大的报纸: 国家调度冲突 锦标赛取消了 很多读者自然会看到两条线之间有一个短语,所以它意味着“全国范围内存在调度冲突,导致… Read more


[1541] Voice

Title Text:Anyway, we should totally go watch a video story or put some food in our normal mouths!< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1541/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1541:_Voice https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3952178049 在与梅根的闲聊中,马尾辫突然打断了她的正常演讲,声称她出于某种原因只能每六年控制一次自己的声音。显然只有很短的时间,因为她立即回到休闲谈话,继续她的前一句话,然后才能告诉梅根她如何能帮助她。在梅根的困惑请求后,她否认了这一事件的知识,尽管有些可疑,使用可能是假的笑声。 可能这只是马尾辫的一个恶… Read more


[1539] Planning

Title Text:[10 years later] Man, why are people so comfortable handing Google and Facebook control over our nuclear weapons?< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1539/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1539:_Planning https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3952178049 大公司一直试图从客户那里获得最多的信息,因为这可以转化为更多的收入。但是,收集,存储和处理此类信息的能力受到可用技术的限制。随着最近计算机的发展,这种能力的增长远远超过任何人在20年前所怀疑的;到谷歌或Facebook等公司从用户那里获… Read more


[1538] Lyrics

Title Text:To me, trying to understand song lyrics feels like when I see text in a dream but it饾敯 h喔担d t鈧€ 岬鈧恉 a喔乨 饾捑 can贃t f嘟编線cu嗉о鸡嗫愢紕


[1537] Types

Title Text:colors.rgb(“blue”) yields “#0000FF”. colors.rgb(“yellowish blue”) yields NaN. colors.sort() yields “rainbow”


[1536] The Martian

Title Text:I have never seen a work of fiction so perfectly capture the out-of-nowhere shock of discovering that you’ve just bricked something important because you didn’t pay enough attention to a loose wire.
