[1497] New Products

Title Text:If you ever hear “Wait, is that Kim Dotcom’s new project? I’m really excited about it and already signed up, although I’m a little nervous about whether everyone should hand over control of their medical…”, it’s time to dig…


[what if]第132期:平均温度

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/132 编译:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 我在一个温泉浴场看到过一个标志牌,上面写着“小心:水温高于平均”,而那里的水温大约在39度左右。虽然我知道工作人员其实想表示的是“比一般游泳池水温更高”,但是我不禁想:地球表面所有水的平均温度是多少?比39度高还是低? —— Graham Ward 回答: 你可能小看这块牌子的制作者了。不管他是不是有意为之,这样的语句有着更深刻的含义。 (而且我的头头警告我说如果我再弄出这种冗长的警示牌来的话,他就要炒了我。然后他就……(欲知更多,请看下一块牌子)) 字面上这块牌子说得没错,39度的水比地球上大多数你能找到的水都要热。在更深… Read more


[1495] Hard Reboot

Title Text:Googling inevitably reveals that my problem is caused by a known bug triggered by doing [the exact combination of things I want to do]. I can fix it, or wait a few years until I don’t want that combination…


[1494] Insurance

Title Text:LIFEHACKS: You can just take all the luggage off the airport conveyer belt and leave with it. They don’t check that it’s yours at the door!


[1493] Meeting

Title Text:Here at CompanyName.website, our three main strengths are our web-facing chairs, our huge collection of white papers, and the fact that we physically cannot die.
