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Title Text:My New Year’s resolution for 2014-54-12/30/14 Dec:12:1420001642 is to learn these stupid time formatting strings.
Title Text:My New Year’s resolution for 2014-54-12/30/14 Dec:12:1420001642 is to learn these stupid time formatting strings.
Title Text:’Where were you when you learned you’d won?’ ‘I was actually asleep; I woke up when I refreshed the webite and saw the news.’
Title Text:Plus, you have to control for the fact that some people are into being blindfolded.
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/122 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 如果我拿真实的熔岩做一个熔岩灯会怎么样?我需要用哪种透彻介质当灯罩?我能站得多近? —— Kathy Johnstone,6年级老师(通过学生提交) 回答: 这个想法按照What If文章的标准来看非常实际。 我是说它并没有你想象中那么合理。你至少会丢掉教师执照,前排的一些学生也会丧命。不过如果你真想这么做那就做吧。 (而且我发现储物柜里有许多熔岩,我要把它用光) 小小的提醒一下:我这里附了许多人们拿棍子戳熔岩的视频,所以你在看到本文末尾之前可能要花非常多的时间去看视频,我在写这篇文章的时候就是这样。 要想保证装下熔岩不发生爆裂,… Read more
Title Text:With a space elevator, a backyard full of solar panels could launch about 500 horses per year, and a large power plant could launch 10 horses per minute.
Title Text:Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy…