[897] Elevator Inspection

Title Text:Even governmental elevator inspectors get bored halfway through asking where the building office is. Origin:https://xkcd.com/897/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/897:_Elevator_Inspection 在美国,所有电梯都必须遵守建筑规范,并且必须由市政官员定期检查。在检查员完成他的回合之后,电梯的通过等级在可见的放置在电梯中的证书中注明。或者,它可以倾倒在建筑物办公室的文件柜中,主人可以忘记它,并且给电梯提供标语牌,让乘客知道证书的位置(通常是上述建筑办公室)。 这部漫画描绘的是一个据说永远不会发生的情景。没有人真… Read more


[896] Marie Curie

Title Text:Although not permanently. Origin:https://xkcd.com/896/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/896:_Marie_Curie 居禮夫人 雖然不是永久性的。 https://xkcd.tw/896 漫画开头是马尾辫,说她的老师告诉她,如果她努力工作(应用自己),她可能成为下一个玛丽居里。但随后一个扭曲的Zombie Marie Curie(画作僵尸Hairbun)走进来告诉马尾辫,她并不是唯一有影响力的女科学家,并希望人们能够克服她“作为唯一重要的女科学家”。然后,她提到另外两名重要的科学女性。 居里夫人是一位开拓性的研究科学家,最着名的是她的辐射工作,以及分离镭和Pol。她死于因镭和Pol极… Read more


[895] Teaching Physics

Title Text:Space-time is like some simple and familiar system which is both intuitively understandable and precisely analogous, and if I were Richard Feynman I’d be able to come up with it. Origin:https://xkcd.com/895/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/895:_Teaching_Physics 漫画对于物理学只是有趣的想法很有趣,因为教师使用有趣的类比,尽管它们过于简化并且在教授更复杂的理论时没有帮助。漫画将经典的“橡皮布上的球”比喻称为解释广义相对论的一种方式,尽管这个比喻在… Read more


[894] Progeny

Title Text:I tell my children ‘it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.’ I’m trying to take the edge off their competitive drive to ensure that I can always beat them. Origin:https://xkcd.com/894/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/894:_Progeny 这部漫画是对IBM在Jeopardy击败人类的计算机Watson的引用(见1002:游戏AI)。 IBM团队创建了一台计算机,可以针对Jeopardy风格的问题制定响应。……


[893] 65 Years

Title Text:The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there’s no good reason to go into space–each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision. Origin:https://xkcd.com/893/…


[892] Null Hypothesis

Title Text:Hell, my eighth grade science class managed to conclusively reject it just based on a classroom experiment. It’s pretty sad to hear about million-dollar research teams who can’t even manage that. Origin:https://xkcd.com/892/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/892:_Null_Hypothesis 零假设 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/982621787/ 这个漫画(和标题文本)是基于一个误解。零假设是… Read more


[891] Movie Ages

Title Text:If you’re 15 or younger, then just remember that it’s nevertheless probably too late to be a child prodigy. Origin:https://xkcd.com/891/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/891:_Movie_Ages https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 根据你正在与之交谈的人,把他们的年龄放在最左边,添加“你有没有意识到……”添加与他们年龄相对应的相应电影然后“…出来……”添加行尾的短语。 例如。 – 如果一个人是30岁,那么… Read more


[890] Etymology

Title Text:For some reason, my childhood suspension of disbelief had no problem with the fact that this ancient galaxy is full of humans, but was derailed by language. There’s no Asia OR Europe there, so where’d they get all the…


[889] Turtles

Title Text:You’re a turtle! Origin:https://xkcd.com/889/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/889:_Turtles 这部漫画是关于许多现代问题的轻浮。虽然屏幕外角色在删除文件时感到恐慌,但乌龟只是一只乌龟。文字说“乌龟已经弄明白,男人”表示兰德尔赞赏这种简单的思维模式。与整个生命相比,计算机问题毫无意义的想法类似于1173年标题文本中表达的情绪:类固醇。 根据它的外观,乌龟有可能是乌龟(生物学家称所有的海龟为乌龟,陆龟是陆龟的家族),这也得到了陆龟往往有更长寿命的事实的支持(100至少150年)比海龟和水龟(约80年)。 另一种解释可能是,知识的满足使该生物对其冒险并找到其真实身份构成了… Read more


[888] Heaven

Title Text:If you’ve never had sex, this is what it feels like. Complete with the brief feeling of satisfaction, followed by ennui, followed by getting bored and trying to make it happen again. Origin:https://xkcd.com/888/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/888:_Heaven 天堂 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/982661477/ 这部漫画展示了流行的电子游戏“俄罗斯方块”,其中你使用不同形状的棋子填充线条来获得积分。一次填充多行会产生… Read more
