[987] Potential

Title Text:The bunch of disadvantaged kids I was tutoring became too good at writing, and their essays were forcing me to confront painful existential questions, so I started trying to turn them on to drugs and crime instead. Origin:https://xkcd.com/987/ 我去訪問過的弱勢兒童變得太過擅長寫作,他們的隨筆文章強迫我面對痛苦的存在危機問題,所以我轉為嘗試把他們變成藥頭與罪犯。…


[986] Drinking Fountains

Title Text:I’ve always wondered whether you could drink slowly enough, and eliminate fast enough, that you just sort of peed continuously. But I’m afraid to try because I worry someone might call while I’m doing it and ask what I’m…


[985] Percentage Points

Title Text:Grayton also proposed making college scholarships available exclusively to sexually active teens, amnesty for illegal immigrants who create room for themselves by killing a citizen, and a graduated income tax based on penis size. He has been endorsed by…
