[811] Starlight

Title Text:Don’t worry! From the light’s point of view, home and your eye are in the same place, and the journey takes no time at all! Relativity saves the day again. Origin:https://xkcd.com/811/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/811:_Starlight 梅根与Beret Guy讨论了从光源到我们眼睛的光穿过宇宙的旅程。在梅根看来,这次旅程毫无意义是非常可悲的 – 光的旅行只有在我们看到“漂亮的圆点” – 天空中的星星时才会结束。 Beret…


[810] Constructive

Title Text:And what about all the people who won’t be able to join the community because they’re terrible at making helpful and constructive co– …oh. Origin:https://xkcd.com/810/ 那麼那些沒有能力寫出有建設性或有幫助的人該怎麼加入…喔喔。 https://xkcd.tw/810 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/810:_Constructive 大多数在线社区都面临着阻止垃圾邮件发送者加入和参与的问题。这个问题的一个常见解决方案是使用各种系统来防止自动机器人使用… Read more


[809] Los Alamos

Title Text:The test didn’t (spoiler alert) destroy the world, but the fact that they were even doing those calculations makes theirs the coolest jobs ever. Origin:https://xkcd.com/809/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/809:_Los_Alamos 这部漫画是指新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯的曼哈顿计划,1945年,他们开发出的第一颗核武器已经发展到他们将在Trinity Site爆炸“The Gadget”的程度。人们真的担心会出现一些意想不到的结果,包括有关大气点燃的情景。科学家几乎可以肯定,它既可以按预期… Read more


[808] The Economic Argument

Title Text:Not to be confused with ‘making money selling this stuff to OTHER people who think it works’, which corporate accountants and actuaries have zero problems with. Origin:https://xkcd.com/808/ 不能與「做出東西賣給那些相信的人來賺錢」混為一談,大企業的會計與精算師並不會覺得這有什麼問題。 https://xkcd.tw/808 https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/808:_The_Economic_Argument 图像显示了人类生活的领域,如果某些“怪异现象”(大多数超自然… Read more


[807] Connected

Title Text:Or love in general, for that matter. It just leads to the idea that either your love is pure, perfect, and eternal, and you are storybook-compatible in every way with no problems, or you’re LYING when you say ‘I…


[806] Tech Support

Title Text:I recently had someone ask me to go get a computer and turn it on so I could restart it. He refused to move further in the script until I said I had done that. Origin:https://xkcd.com/806/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/806:_Tech_Support Cueball遇到网络连接的一些问题,并联系他的互联网服务提供商(ISP)的技术支持寻求帮助。客户服务代理(由Hairy代表)不是很有帮助,给出了与Cueball问题无关的明确的预先编写的建议。 Cueball放弃并要求与工程师交谈,即有更多了解该技术的人……


[805] Paradise City

Title Text:Take me down to the paradise municipality / where the grass is mauve and the girls aren’t fromthisreality. Origin:https://xkcd.com/805/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/805:_Paradise_City “天堂之城”是由摇滚乐队Guns N’Roses发行的一首歌,出现在他们的首张专辑“欲望破坏”中。它唱的是所谓的天堂之城,一个田园诗般的地方,抒情的自我渴望回归。该位置与使用例如气室的图像捕获角色的令人沮丧的现实形成对比。 在漫画中,可以看到Cueball唱出不同版本的合唱。在每个小组中,“城市”一词被… Read more


[804] Pumpkin Carving

Title Text:The Banach-Tarski theorem was actually first developed by King Solomon, but his gruesome attempts to apply it set back set theory for centuries. Origin:https://xkcd.com/804/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/804:_Pumpkin_Carving 这部漫画是对美国风俗的一种参考,让杰克 – 奥兰特出发前往10月31日举行的万圣节假期的门廊和前台。通常情况下,它们是用南瓜制成的,通过排空里面留下空心外壳,在侧面雕刻一个面或设计,然后在里面放置一个灯或蜡烛。第3帧中的Jack-O’… Read more


[803] Airfoil

Title Text:This is a fun explanation to prepare your kids for; it’s common and totally wrong. Good lines include “why does the air have to travel on both sides at the same time?” and “I saw the Wright brothers plane…


[802] Online Communities 2

Title Text:Best trivia I learned while working on this: ‘Man, Farmville is so huge! Do you realize it’s the second-biggest browser-based social-networking-centered farming game in the WORLD?’ Then you wait for the listener to do a double-take. Origin:https://xkcd.com/802/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/802:_Online_Communities_2 这个漫画展示了互联网社区的地图,其中每个地区的大小大致对应……
