[685] G-Spot

Title Text:The BBC lead was ‘The elusive erogenous zone said to exist in some women may be a myth, say researchers who have hunted for it.’ I couldn’t read it with a straight face. Origin:https://xkcd.com/685/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/685:_G-Spot G点 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/800438178/ 正如[BBC引用]在标题文字中所说,G-Spot是一个难以捉摸的性感区域,一些女性声称可以刺激这些区域以增强她… Read…


[684] We Get It

Title Text:The most brutal way I’ve ever seen someone handle this was ‘Oh, you have a girlfriend. Are you going to get married?’ ‘I, uh, don’t know–‘ ‘Well, do you love her?’ ‘…’ ‘Anyway, what were you saying about the…


[683] Science Montage

Title Text:The rat’s perturbed; it must sense nanobots! Code grey! We have a Helvetica scenario! Origin:https://xkcd.com/683/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/683:_Science_Montage 科學畫面 那隻老鼠看來很不安,他一定是感應到了奈米機器人!灰色警戒,我們面臨了 Helvetica 事件! https://xkcd.tw/683 这部漫画取笑了电影中人工戏剧化和简化的科学描写。未说明的前提似乎是科学家们试图根据从他的衣服中获得的样本获得有关凶手的信息。电影版的事件涉及两位科学家Cueball和Ponytail使用控制台,实验室老鼠… Read more
