[633] Blockbuster Mining

Title Text:The 2007 Bridge To Terebithia trailer put me off too much to see that particular movie, but I am cautiously optimistic about Where The Wild Things Are. Origin:https://xkcd.com/633/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/633:_Blockbuster_Mining Cueball已经获得了制作电影的知识产权,但不确定如何使其吸引广大观众。屏幕外角色暗示聘请迈克尔·贝(Michael Bay),他是一位着名(并偶尔会受到批评)导演和制片人,因为他的电影改编风格。 Cueball不确定知识产权是否适合夏季大片,… Read more


[632] Suspicion

Title Text:Fine, walk away. I’m gonna go cry into a pint of Ben&Jerry’s Brownie Batter(tm) ice cream [link], then take out my frustration on a variety of great flash games from PopCap Games(r) [link] Origin:https://xkcd.com/632/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/632:_Suspicion Rob正在进行在线聊天,乍一看似乎是女性。然而,他对“女人”明显的消费主义奉献感到怀疑 – 也许是对网络联系的完美,触及陈规定型的书呆子担心任何关系进展顺利都… Read…


[631] Anatomy Text

Title Text:For many of the anatomy pictures on Wikipedia, I think this is actually not far from reality. They only look all formal and professional due to careful cropping. Origin:https://xkcd.com/631/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/631:_Anatomy_Text https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ Megan和Cueball正在拍摄他们自己的解剖学照片,以包含在相关的维基百科文章中。这是梅根被命名的为数不多的漫画之一,也是少数以漫画为特色的漫画之一。据透露,他们不是在… Read more
