[2590] I Shouldn’t Complain

Title Text:Bald-faced hornets are only a 2 on the Schmidt pain index, so I shouldn’t complain. The tennis ball ejected from the dryer exhaust vent could have ricocheted off the nest of a much higher-scoring insect before knocking me off…


[2589] Outlet Denier

Title Text:There are regularly placed bumps on the underside just the right size to press the rocker switch on the power strip. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2589/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2589:_Outlet_Denier 插座拒绝者 底部有规律排布的突起,大小正可以用来按下在电源板上的摇杆开关。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2589 这是Cursed Connectors系列的第五部分,展示了 Cursed Connectors #78:The Outlet Denier。 这部漫画中的出口旦尼尔连接器… Read more


[2588] Party Quadrants

Title Text:Single-elimination might provide more drama, but I think we can all agree that a comprehensive numerical scoring system will let us better judge the party’s winner. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2588/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2588:_Party_Quadrants 派对象限 单败淘汰制或许更戏剧性,不过我想大家都会认同,一个综合数值计分系统能更好地决出派对胜者。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2588 在这部漫画中,有一个划分为象限的… Read more
