[2369] All-in-One

Title Text:Changes with this update: If you use the combined scan-shred function, it now performs them in that order instead of the reverse, saving a HUGE amount of CPU time. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2369/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2369:_All-in-One 一体机 此次更新的变化:如果你同时使用扫描与碎纸功能,其将会先扫描再碎纸,而非反向执行,省下大把CPU时间。 脚注: 撕边:针式打印纸的带孔边缘。 混凝纸:一种加进胶水或糨糊经过浆状处理的纸。 蝶古巴特:将印有花纹的纸粘在盒子或家具上,并在表面… Read more


[2368] Bigger Problem

Title Text:Your point that the world contains multiple problems is a real slam-dunk argument against fixing any of them. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2368/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2368:_Bigger_Problem 更大的问题 你认为这个世界存在许多问题,这么说相比解决任何问题都万无一失。 脚注: 逃避问题总比解决问题容易,而指出我们有更值得关心的问题,往往是逃避问题的一种隐晦形式。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2368 Cueball要求White Hat帮助解决世界上一个未指明的问题。据推测… Read more


[2367] Masks

Title Text:Haunted Halloween masks from a mysterious costume shop that turn you evil and grow into your skin score a surprisingly high 80% filtration efficiency in R. L. Stine-sponsored NIOSH tests. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2367/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2367:_Masks 面罩 一家神秘服装店中,能够使你变得邪恶并且在你的皮肤上生根的万圣节闹鬼面具,在R.L.Stine赞助的NIOSH的测试中,获得了惊人的80%过滤效率的高分。 译者[DWT]注: 佐罗:义侠形象,最早出现… Read more
