[2366] Amelia’s Farm Fresh Cookies

Title Text:I told her I’d take her address off the packaging if she’d stop submitting anonymous food safety complaints about my bakery to the health department, but she sent me a note that said NO DEAL along with an extra…


[2365] Messaging Systems

Title Text:SMS is just the worst, but I’m having trouble convincing people to adopt my preferred system, TLS IRC with a local server and a patched DOSBox gateway running in my mobile browser. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2365/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2365:_Messaging_Systems 聊天系统 短信就是最糟的,然而我却无法说服人们接受我偏爱的系统——带有本地服务器的TLS IRC和一个在我手机浏览器中运行的打了补丁的DOSBox通路。 译者[DWT]注: 端到端加密:只……


[2364] Parity Conservation

Title Text:Bloody Mary is made of antimatter. It explains so much. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2364/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2364:_Parity_Conservation 宇称守恒 血腥玛丽由反物质构成,它解释了很多。 脚注: [1]宇称守恒:宇称守恒,是指物理学关于对称性探索的一个重要进展是建立诺特定理,定理指出,如果运动定律在某一变换下具有不变性,必相应地存在一条守恒定律。 趣闻:1962年起,李政道与杨振宁都说自己是提出“弱相互作用中宇称不守恒原理”的第一人,并为此长期辩论。 [2]血腥玛丽:传说召唤出血腥玛丽可以预见未来,据说在镜子前面呼唤三次她的名字就会出现。… Read more


[2363] Message Boards

Title Text:(c) You can have a scooter when you pay for it yourself, and (d) if you can’t learn to start a new thread rather than responding to an old one, you’ll be banned. [thread locked by moderator] Origin:https://xkcd.com/2363/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2363:_Message_Boards…


[2362] Volcano Dinosaur

Title Text:Phylogeneticists are working on identifying and notifying its next of kin. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2362/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2362:_Volcano_Dinosaur 系统发育学家正试图找到并通知这只恐龙的直系亲属。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2362 这部漫画是对这次被火山喷发掩埋并杀死的恐龙化石发现的参考。 梅根问恐龙是否还好。由于活体通常无法在火山残骸中化石[ 需要引用 ],因此该问题的答案显然是“否”,但库鲍尔回答他不确定。即使恐龙以某种方式在最初的葬礼中幸存下来,也很难被埋葬1.2… Read more


[2361] Voting

Title Text:’Wait, our state has mail voting. The forms are literally on the kitchen table.’ ‘Not now, I’m busy researching which channels have sharks in them.’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/2361/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2361:_Voting ‘等等,我们州有邮件选举。表格在餐桌上就有’‘现在不行,我忙着搜哪条隧道里有鲨鱼呢。’ https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2361 即将于2020年11月3日(不到漫画出版… Read more


[2360] Common Star Types

Title Text:This article is about Eta Carinae, a luminous blue hypergiant with anomalous Fe[ii] emission spectra. For the 1998 Brad Bird film, see The Iron Giant (film). Origin:https://xkcd.com/2360/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2360:_Common_Star_Types 这是一篇关于海山二星的文章,海山二星是一种亮蓝超巨星,有着二价铁的异常发射光谱。对于1998年布拉德·伯德的电影,请观赏《铁巨人》。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2360 该“信息图”图表… Read more


[2359] Evidence of Alien Life

Title Text:Both too cautious AND not cautious enough: “I’m skeptical that those are aliens, so I’m going to try pulling off their masks.” Origin:https://xkcd.com/2359/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2359:_Evidence_of_Alien_Life 太谨慎的同时又不够谨慎:“我怀疑那些是外星人,所以我要去揭露他们的真面目” https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2359 这部漫画描绘了一张表格,以回应关于外星生命的可能性的新信息。它以表格形… Read more


[2358] Gravitational Wave Pulsars

Title Text:The most important attributes of a vector in 3-space are {Location, Location, Location} Origin:https://xkcd.com/2358/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2358:_Gravitational_Wave_Pulsars 在三维空间中,向量最重要的特征是{坐标,坐标,坐标} https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2358 脉冲星是旋转的中子星,其旋转周期非常精确。脉冲星被高度磁化,从而使它们发出电磁辐射束,并在其整个天空中旋转。射电天文学家是否可以以及何时将这些射束指向地球而检测到,因此它们以高度稳定的辐射脉冲… Read more


[2357] Polls vs the Street

Title Text:Other pollsters complain about declining response rates, but our poll showed that 96% of respondents would be ‘somewhat likely’ or ‘very likely’ to agree to answer a series of questions for a survey. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2357/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2357:_Polls_vs_the_Street 民调 vs 街采 一些民意调查员抱怨回复率减少,然而我们的调查显示——96%的回复者“可能”或“很可能”同意回……
