[2082] Mercator Projection

Title Text:The other great lakes are just water on the far side of Canada Island. If you drive north from the Pacific northwest you actually cross directly into Alaska, although a few officials–confused by the Mercator distortion–have put up border…


[2081] Middle Latitudes

Title Text:Snowy blizzards are fun, but so are warm sunny beaches, so we split the difference by having lots of icy wet slush! Origin:https://xkcd.com/2081/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2081:_Middle_Latitudes 由于地球的轴向倾斜,太阳在天空中的明显日常路径 – 特别是它需要多长时间以及天空中的高度 – 取决于赤道北部或南部的距离(您的纬度),当地球围绕太阳旋转时,全年也会发生变化。这个事实产生了两对非常重要的纬度:  北极圈(66°33’)  北回归线(23°26’) 和  北回归线… Read more


[2080] Cohort and Age Effects

Title Text:Younger people get very few joint replacements, yet they’re also getting more than older people did at the same age. This means you can choose between ‘Why are millennials getting so (many/few) joint replacements?’ depending on which trend fits…
