[1883] Supervillain Plan

Title Text:Someday, some big historical event will happen during the DST changeover, and all the tick-tock articles chronicling how it unfolded will have to include a really annoying explanation next to their timelines.


[1882] Color Models

Title Text:What if what *I* see as blue, *you* see as a slightly different blue because you’re using Chrome instead of Firefox and despite a decade of messing with profiles we STILL can’t get this right somehow.


[1880] Eclipse Review

Title Text:I watched from a beautiful nature reserve in central Missouri, and it was–without exaggeration–the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1880/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1880:_Eclipse_Review 日蝕觀後感 我在密蘇里州中部美麗的自然保護區看了日全蝕,這是我這輩子看過最酷的事情了,不誇張。 https://xkcd.tw/1880 这部漫画是连续第五部以日食为主题的漫画。 2017年8月21日,从西向东横跨美国各地的一个带内可以看到… Read more


[1878] Earth Orbital Diagram

Title Text:You shouldn’t look directly at a partial eclipse because of the damage that can be caused by improperly aligning the solar-lunar orbital plane with the orbital bones around your eye.


[1877] Eclipse Science

Title Text:I was thinking of observing stars to verify Einstein’s theory of relativity again, but I gotta say, that thing is looking pretty solid at this point.
