[1717] Pyramid Honey
Title Text:They CLAIM honey was found in the chambers under the pyramids, but this conspiracy goes all the way to the TOP, where the GIANT EYE is!
Title Text:They CLAIM honey was found in the chambers under the pyramids, but this conspiracy goes all the way to the TOP, where the GIANT EYE is!
Title Text:’Hey, what are those futuristic goggles for, anyway?’ ‘Oh, this is just a broken Google Glass. It was 2010’s night at the club.'< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1716/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1716:_Time_Travel_Thesis 時間旅行理論 「對了,那個看起來很帥的眼鏡是什麼」「只是壞掉的 Google Glass」 https://xkcd.tw/1716 Cueball显然一直在阅读时间旅行。他告诉Megan这件事,Megan兴奋地说她在时间旅行上做… Read more
Title Text:To make your shoes feel more comfortable, smell better, and last longer, try taking them off before you shower.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1715/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1715:_Household_Tips 家事小技巧 如果想讓你的鞋子更舒適、不發臭、而且更耐久,可以試著在洗澡前把他們脫下來。 https://xkcd.tw/1715 这个漫画是1567年的延续:厨房小贴士,它有四个厨房小贴士,然后是标题文字中的家庭小贴士。 漫画显示Cueball解释了许多应该已经知道的事情(并且很可能已经做到了而不需要被告知)… Read more
Title Text:It’s hard living somewhere with antlions, because every time you find one of their traps, you feel compelled to spend all day constructing a tiny model of Jabba’s sail barge next to it.