[1700] New Bug

Title Text:There’s also a unicode-handling bug in the URL request library, and we’re storing the passwords unsalted ... so if we salt them with emoji, we can close three issues at once!< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1700/ 另外 URL request 函式庫裡面裡面有個處理 unicode 的 bug,而且我們存密碼的時候沒有用…


[1699] Local News

Title Text:Will there ever be a physics term greater than ‘tachyonic antitelephone?’ According to this message from the future, the answer is ‘no.'< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1699/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1699:_Local_News https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 典型的新闻广播分为本地,国家和全球新闻片段。新闻主播布隆迪(Blondie)在这部漫画中播出的广播已被分解为真实的地方(关于市议会选举)以及新闻播报员称之为“非地方性… Read more


[1698] Theft Quadrants

Title Text:TinyURL was the most popular link shortener for long enough that it made it into a lot of printed publications. I wonder what year the domain will finally lapse and get picked up by a porn site.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1698/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1698:_Theft_Quadrants…


[1697] Intervocalic Fortition

Title Text:These pranks happen all the time. English doesn’t allow one-syllable words to end in a lax vowel, so writers on The Simpsons decided to mess with future linguists by introducing the word “meh.”


[what if]第151期:太阳萤火虫

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/151 编译:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 要多少只萤火虫加在一起发出的光才能和阳光相比拟? ——Luke Doty 回答: 并没有那么多!我是说这个数字末尾肯定有许多个零,但其实并没有你想象得那么多。 (世上只有两种数:零和其他一切让你数据类型溢出的数) 首先第一个问题是:萤火虫发出的光从哪里来? 你可能会觉得萤火虫身体里都是会发光的物质,但其实只有表面一层薄薄的发光层[1]。许多昆虫都有这样的发光表皮,人们仔细研究过其中的一些,并测量了它们的发光强度。一篇1928年的文章研究了一种叫做“头灯甲虫(headlight bug)”的甲壳虫[2],他们发现这种甲虫身上的发光… Read more


[1695] Code Quality 2

Title Text:It’s like you tried to define a formal grammar based on fragments of a raw database dump from the QuickBooks file of a company that’s about to collapse in an accounting scandal.


[1693] Oxidation

Title Text:Calm down–there were lots of arthropods living on your skin already. These ones are just bigger.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1693/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1693:_Oxidation 氧化 冷靜一點,你的皮膚上本來就住著一大堆節肢動物,那幾隻只是大一點而已。 https://xkcd.tw/1693 在这个漫画中,马尾辫将梅根的车开火,可能是撞毁了它。 氧化是指一整类化学反应。任何涉及电子损失的化学反应都称为“氧化”(因为其中很多都涉及氧气)。一种氧化反应是生锈,汽车钢中的铁原子与氧气和水分反应生成氧化铁水合物… Read more
