[1485] Friendship

Title Text:The only other Wikipedia vandalism that I would feel zero remorse about is editing the article on active US militia groups to replace “militia” with “fanclub”.


[what if]第128期:打火机

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/128 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 我口袋里的打火机和智能手机哪个所含的能量更多?能量从一者转移到另一者的最佳方法是什么?以及我口袋里还有什么东西所蕴含的能量是超出我的想象的? —— Ian Cummings 回答: 从所含能量多少来看,就算打火机的燃料盒只有大块手机电池大小的一半不到,但它还是能够轻松击败智能手机。汽油、丁烷、酒精以及脂肪都含有大量化学能,这也是我们身体需要它们的原因。[1][2][3][4] 那它们到底含有多少能量呢?嗯,这么说吧:一个充满电的汽车蓄电池所含的能量仅仅约相当于一个三明治。 (请求出x的值) 一个手机电池大小的装满丁烷的容器能够… Read more


[1481] API

Title Text:ACCESS LIMITS: Clients may maintain connections to the server for no more than 86,400 seconds per day. If you need additional time, you may contact IERS to file a request for up to one additional second.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1481/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1481:_API API…
