[1407] Worst Hurricane

Title Text:’Finding a 105-year-old who’s lived in each location and asking them which hurricane they think was the worst’ is left as an exercise for the reader.


[1406] Universal Converter Box

Title Text:Comes with a 50-lb sack of gender changers, and also an add-on device with a voltage selector and a zillion circular center pin DC adapter tips so you can power any of those devices from the 90s.


[1403] Thesis Defense

Title Text:MY RESULTS ARE A SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT ON THE STATE OF THE AAAAAAAAAAAART< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1403/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1403:_Thesis_Defense https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 在漫画中,梅根在一些人的小组面前提出她的论文的证据,这是一个关于哺乳动物威胁防御演变的理论。为了结束她的论述,她向观众收费,大喊大叫,挥舞着剑。观众退缩了。由于观众由哺乳动物组成并且正在应对威胁,我们应该假设这种反应提供了关于哺乳动物威胁防御的一些关键证据。 这部漫画是一部关于论文辩护的戏剧,其格… Read more


[1402] Harpoons

Title Text:To motivate it to fire its harpoons hard enough, Rosetta’s Philae lander has been programmed to believe it is trying to kill the comet.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1402/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1402:_Harpoons https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 这个漫画是一个空间中的鱼叉数量随时间变化的图表。人们不会指望与旧技术相关的鱼叉将用于太空,这与高科技有关。任何事件都是意外的,因此很有趣或有趣。 第一个峰值表明在阿波罗12号任务期间鱼叉在太空中,并提出… Read more
