[1064] Front Door

Title Text:FYI: I’ll be releasing a wolf into a randomly-chosen front yard sometime in the next 30 years. Now your fear is reasonable, and you don’t need to feel embarrassed anymore. Problem solved!


[1063] Kill Hitler

Title Text:Revised directive: It is forbidden for you to interfere with human history until you’ve at least taken a class on it.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1063/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1063:_Kill_Hitler 殺希特勒 指令更新:你在上過歷史課之前不准去改變人類歷史。 https://xkcd.tw/1063 Black Hat创造了一次性使用时间机器。 Cueball选择了最常见的时间机器使用建议:杀死阿道夫希特勒。黑帽终于松了一口气,杀了希特勒。他回来了,评论说他在1945年在一个非常嘈杂的地堡找到… Read more
