[856] Trochee Fixation

Title Text:If you Huffman-coded all the ‘random’ things everyone on the internet has said over the years, you’d wind up with, like, 30 or 40 bytes *tops*. Origin:https://xkcd.com/856/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/856:_Trochee_Fixation trochee是一种诗意的脚(韵律)。脚是诗歌的一种衡量标准;它由强调节拍和不受压力的节拍组成。一个脚踏板是一个脚,由一个压力的节拍和一个没有压力的节拍组成。 “Trochee”本身就是一个例子,因为你强调第一个音节而不强调第… Read more


[855] 1999

Title Text:’Whoa, twenty-two in two hours!’ ‘Your site got twenty-two hundred hits in two hours?’ ‘No. Twenty-two. But still, that’s like half the people on the internet!’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/855/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/855:_1999 这部漫画是电影“社交网络”的模仿,这是一部关于热门社交网站Facebook成立的电影。在这里,电影中的场景被重新想象为Zombo.com。 Zombo.com,也称为Z… Read more
