[854] Learning to Cook

Title Text:And yet I never stop thinking, ‘sure, these ingredients cost more than a restaurant meal, but think how many meals I’ll get out of them! Especially since each one will have leftovers!’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/854/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/854:_Learning_to_Cook 在家烹饪流程图 那些调料的价格可不便宜,够我好好下一顿馆子了,但我在买它们的时候对自己说:“想想我能用它们做出多少顿大餐呀~” https://songshu… Read more


[853] Consecutive Vowels

Title Text:But the windows! What if there’s a voyeur watchi– wait, now I’m turned on too. Origin:https://xkcd.com/853/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/853:_Consecutive_Vowels 在对数据库进行一些分析之后,Cueball向Megan展示了描绘性唤起与连续元音之间关系的图表,表明大量的连续元音与较高的性唤起有关。起初,理论上可能是因为在做爱和性高潮期间引起了呻吟或尖叫(Ooooh!Yeeeees!)。 梅根说她没有得到它,但是Cueball用“排队”打断了她,这个单词连续5个元音。这立刻引起了Megan的… Read more


[852] Local g

Title Text:In Rio de Janeiro in 2016, the same jump will get an athlete 0.25% higher (>1cm) than in London four years prior. Origin:https://xkcd.com/852/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/852:_Local_g Cueball在第一个小组中解释说,离心力(不要与向心力混淆 – 在123中明确表示:离心力 – 在本漫画的第一帧中引用)以及地球形状的变化导致重力在一些城市之间变化半个百分点。这些变化可能对某些体育赛事产生重大影响;例如,Cueball解释说,在一个重力较小的城市,一个撑竿跳高运动员可能会跳高2厘米。 所以… Read more


[851] Na

Title Text:I hear that there are actual lyrics later on in Land of 1,000 Dances, but other than the occasional ‘I said,’ I’ve never listened long enough to hear any of them. Origin:https://xkcd.com/851/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/851:_Na 重复的音节“na”通常用于在不使用任何实际单词的情况下演唱曲调。虽然这通常用于练习或演示曲调,但重复的“na”也是一些歌曲歌词的一部分,如本漫画所示。按照图表的各种路径形成几个众所周知的曲调的单词,每首歌曲在适当数量的“na… Read more


[850] World According to Americans

Title Text:It’s not our fault we caught a group on their way home from a geography bee. And they taught us that Uzbekistan is one of the world’s two doubly-landlocked countries! Origin:https://xkcd.com/850/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/850:_World_According_to_Americans https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 在互联网上有一个有点传播的图像,题为“美国人的世界”,它扮演着无知的美国人的刻板印象。其中,整个东欧和大部分亚… Read more


[849] Complex Conjugate

Title Text:Fun fact: if you say this every time a professor does something to a complex-number equation that drops the imaginary part, they’ll eventually move the class to another room and tell everyone else except you. Origin:https://xkcd.com/849/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/849:_Complex_Conjugate https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ 这部漫画是对“Shit…


[848] 3D

Title Text:The LINACs in the glasses frames can barely manage one MeV. You should’ve gone to the screening at CERN. Origin:https://xkcd.com/848/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/848:_3D 弦理论假设存在多于3个维度,只是因为它们被“卷起”而我们看不到其余的维度。一个常见的比喻是走钢丝上的蚂蚁 – 它有两个自由度,一个沿着绳子,一个绕着它,但是从远处我们只能看到一个。 因此,黑帽在“3D”中发布了他关于弦理论的2D电影,并声称第三个维度是在那里 – 只是太小而无法看到。 标题文本是指线性粒子加速器,或“LINAC… Read more


[847] Stingray Nebula

Title Text:E盲rendil will patrol the walls of night only until the sun reaches red giant stage, engulfing the Morning Star on his brow. Light and high beauty are passing things as well. Origin:https://xkcd.com/847/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/847:_Stingray_Nebula 埃兰迪尔将会巡视夜晚的壁垣,但只在太阳抵达红巨星之前;到那时,太阳将会吞噬他额头上的启明晨星。无上的光明和美丽也只是转瞬即逝之物。 https://songshuhui.net/archives/48708 位于Ar… Read more


[846] Dental Nerve

Title Text:WAKE up in the MORning and my BREATh ain’t PRETty / and noBODY’S gonna KISS me if my MOUTH smells SHItty / so I ALways brush my TEETH before I START on the JACK / sure, my DRINKing’s out…


[845] Modern History

Title Text:During the week, I research my character by living in his house and raising his children. Origin:https://xkcd.com/845/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/845:_Modern_History 现代史 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/797580344/ 战争重演是一种业余爱好,人们可以从之前的某个时期开始战斗。理论上的“实时”战争重演更进一步,让某人发动了当时正在发生的战争。 标题文本指的是某人如何研究某人在正常的战争重演中扮演的角色,以便获得更愉快的重演。再一次,标题文本制作了这个实时版本,让某人真正过… Read more
